File No. 774/691.
Minister Beaupré to
the Secretary of State.
American Legation,
Hague, January 25,
No. 285.]
Sir: I have the honor herewith to report that I
am in receipt of a note from the minister for foreign affairs of the
Netherlands, in which he inquires whether it is the intention of my
Government that the preliminary discussion mentioned in the department’s
instruction of September 1, 1909, entitled “International Opium
Conference,” should be a discussion in writing by way of preparation for
the conference or should be an oral discussion between the delegates
before the official opening of the conference. I inclose a copy and
translation of the minister’s note and await instructions before
replying thereto.
I am, etc.,
The Minister for Foreign
Affairs to Minister Beaupré
Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
The Hague, January 18,
Mr. Minister: Referring to your
excellency’s note of the 6th instant, No. 249, I take the liberty of
requesting you still kindly to advise me whether, as I suppose, it
is the intention of your Government that the “preliminary
discussion,” which, according to the inclosure in your excellency’s
note of September 22 last, No. 203, is to precede the conference for
the suppression of the abuse of opium, should be a discussion in
writing by way of preparation for the conference or an oral
discussion between the delegates before the official opening of the
Accept, etc.,
R. de Marees van