Chargé Fletcher to the Secretary of State.

No. 1348.]

Sir: In continuation of my No. 1347, of the 24th instant, on the subject of Manchurian railways and with especial reference to the Chinchow-Aigun Railway, I have the honor to inclose translation of the reply of the foreign office to my note of the 24th instant (copy of which was inclosed with my No. 1347).

The Wai-wu Pu states explicitly that “the memorial which was sent in on the 20th of January, 1910, and which received the imperial rescript, did relate to the agreement drawn up between the viceroy of Manchuria and the governor of Fengtien on the one side and the American banking group and the British firm of Pauling & Co. on the other side, concerning the construction of a railroad from Chinchow to Aigun by installments. But this preliminary agreement contains certain provisions which are not acceptable and which must be changed, and the viceroy of Manchuria will need to reconsider the same in consultation with the representative of the American banking group and draw up a detailed and satisfactory agreement.”

I have, etc.

Henry P. Fletcher.

The Prince of Ching to Chargé Fletcher.

Your Excellency: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your excellency’s dispatch on the subject of the memorial sent by my board regarding the construction of the railway from Chinchow Fu to Aigun in installments by means of a foreign loan to be negotiated by the viceroy of Mancharia and others. You remark that the legation has not before it copies of the memorials mentioned in my previous note, but that the American Government takes it for granted that the imperial rescript recently issued refers specifically to the preliminary agreement for the construction, etc., of the railway from Chinchow to Aigun, signed on October 2 last, between their excellencies the viceroy of Manchuria and the governor of Fengtien and the representative of the American banking group and Pauling & Co., and that this preliminary agreement contains provisions for the preparation of a detailed agreement satisfactory to all parties.

If the understanding of your excellency’s Government as to the purport of the imperial rescript is correct, your excellency asks that a reply may be sent so that the representative of the American banking group may be advised to hold himself in readiness to consult at the proper time with the viceroy of Manchuria and the governor of Fengtien with regard to the detailed agreement to be drawn up.

[Page 255]

In reply to your excellency’s inquiry, I have the honor to state that the memorial which was sent in on the tenth day of the twelfth moon (Jan. 20, 1910), and which received the imperial rescript, did relate to the agreement drawn up between the viceroy of Manchuria and the governor of Fengtien on the one side and the American banking group and the British firm of Pauling & Co. on the other side, concerning the construction of a railroad from Chinchow to Aigun by installments. But this preliminary agreement contains certain provisions which are not acceptable and which must be changed, and the viceroy of Manchuria will need to reconsider the same in consultation with the representative of the American banking group and draw up a detailed and satisfactory agreement.

This reply is sent to your excellency for transmission to the American Government and that your excellency may instruct the representative of the American banking group to act accordingly.

A necessary dispatch.

[seal of the wai-wu pu.]