The Secretary of State to
Ambassador Rockhill.
Department of State,
Washington, February 7,
No. 42.]
Sir: I have to inclose for your information a
copy of the department’s No. 31, to Harbin.
The department hopes that the question of the municipal government of
Harbin may be satisfactorily settled by the proposed conference of the
Russian and Chinese representatives at Harbin.
I am, etc.,
The Assistant Secretary of
State to Consul Greene.
Department of State,
Washington, February 7,
No. 31.
Sir: I have to inclose for your information
a copy of a dispatch from Henry P. Fletcher, Esq., chargé d’affaires
at Peking, to the Department of State, dated December 17, 1909, and
of a note from the Chinese foreign office to the American Legation
which was inclosed in the former. You will observe that arrangement
has been made by China and Russia to send officials of their
respective Governments to Harbin to discuss the details of the
regulations, which it is proposed to adopt for the establishment of
municipal councils in the towns located upon the lands of the
Chinese Eastern Railway Co., and that the American consul at Harbin
will be notified at the proper time.
The department hopes that the proposed discussion may result in an
amicable settlement of the questions at issue which will be
satisfactory to all interests concerned.
[Page 230]
You are instructed to observe quietly the progress of events and to
report promptly and fully any developments affecting the situation.
You should avoid taking any other official action in regard to the
regulations until so instructed by the department or the
I am, etc.,