Chargé Fletcher to
the Secretary of State.
American Legation,
Peking, December 17,
No. 1323.]
Sir: Referring to the subject of the municipal
administration of Harbin and in special reference to my No. 1198, of
July 3, 1909, with which I inclosed a copy of my note of June 23 to the
Prince of Ch’ing with regard to municipal organizations on the lands of
the Chinese
[Page 224]
Eastern Railway, I
now have the honor to inclose a copy of the reply of the foreign office
to the note referred to.
I have, etc.,
The Prince of Ch’ing
to Chargé Fletcher.
Foreign Office,
Peking, December 10,
No. 649.]
Your Excellency: On the ninth day of the
fifth Moon (June 23) I had the honor to receive your excellency’s
note regarding the establishment of municipal councils in the
railway zone in Manchuria, saying that in the future, when the time
came for drawing up the regulations in detail, there should be
consultation with the treaty powers.
Just as such action was about to be taken in this matter the Russian
minister, Mr. Korostovetz, sent us a copy of a manifesto, to which
my board offered strenuous objections, and we prepared a circular
note, which has been already sent to your excellency. When China and
Russia send officials to Harbin to discuss and settle the detailed
regulations above referred to, China will, of course, insist upon
the principles laid down in the circular note to safeguard China’s
rightful sovereignty and will satisfy the solicitude of the treaty
In regard to the request contained in the note from your excellency,
it has been already arranged with Mr. Korostovetz that at the proper
time the American consul will be notified, and it is hoped that
everything will be satisfactorily arranged.
This reply is sent for the information of your excellency and for
transmission to the American Government.
Seal of the Wai Wu Pu.