File No. 14503/57.
The Argentine Chargé to the Secretary of State.
Washington, May 26, 1910.
Mr. Secretary of State: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of Your Excellency’s highly appreciated note of yesterday in which, in courteously informing me that the most excellent. President of the Republic had sent by cable his felicitations to President Alcorta on the occasion of the Argentine centennial, Your Excellency is pleased to add, as representing the sentiments of the people and Government of the United States, that it afforded you gratification to present your best wishes for the enjoyment of a long era of peace and prosperity by the Argentine Republic.
Profoundly thankful for the high terms in which Your Excellency speaks of the development of my country during that historic period and fully convinced that I am voicing the true desires of the Argentine people and Government, I make in turn the most sincere wishes that nothing will impede the advance of this beautiful country toward its high destinies; that it will develop in undisturbed quiet its immense resources, and continue in the path of marvelous progress which justly arouses the admiration of the whole world.
I avail, etc.,