File No. 701.2511/73.

Members of the commission appointed to accompany remains of late Chilean Minister to the Secretary of State.


Most Excellent Sir: The undersigned, members of the commission appointed to accompany the remains of Señor Don Anibal Cruz, minister of Chile at Washington, present their respects to your excellency and have the honor to inform you that they have fulfilled the mission with which they were intrusted on that very sad occasion.

They further desire to express to your excellency their high appreciation of the honors paid by the Army and Navy of the United States to the memory of their late distinguished colleague, and to say that they duly acknowledge the attentions they received during the time occupied in the fulfillment of their mission at the hands of Assistant Secretary Hale, who represented the Department of State, and of the captain and officers oi the Mayflower, which took them to Hampton Roads.

Your excellency’s most obedient servants,

  • J. B. Calvo.
  • Luis Lazo, A.
  • P. Ezequiel Rojas.
  • Ignacio Calderon.