File No. 180/69.
The Chilean Chargé to the Secretary of State.
Washington, August 11, 1910.
Sir: In compliance with special instructions from His Excellency the President of Chile, I have the honor to transmit herewith to your excellency a letter which the most excellent Mr. Montt handed to me as he was leaving New York for delivery to His Excellency the President of the United States, and to beg that your excellency will kindly forward it to its high destination.
[Page 132]I avail myself of this opportunity, Mr. Secretary, to express to your excellency the cordial thanks of His Excellency the President of Chile for the attentions and honors that were lavished upon him during his stay in this country, and at the same time bear witness to the indefatigable and delicate consideration displayed by the representatives of the American Government, Messrs. Chandler Hale, Thomas C. Dawson, Maj. Gen. William Harding Carter, and Capt. Harry P. Hulse, United States Navy, in waiting on his excellency and suite from the time of their arrival in the United States.
I have, etc.,