File No. 180/49.
Chargé Marsh to the Secretary of State.
Panama, July 26, 1910.
Mr. Marsh acknowledges department’s July 23, and reports the arrival in Panama on July 25 of President Montt, of Chile, on Chilean war vessel Esmeralda, and says he was met by the Chilean minister; that he landed at Panama City at 4.30; was received at the presidential palace by President Mendoza, his cabinet, members of the diplomatic corps, and prominent citizens of Panama, and that he was the dinner guest in the evening of the Chilean minister and Chilean residents at Ancon, Canal Zone, later returning on board the Esmeralda. Mr. Marsh says, further, that President Montt was received the following day at Balboa, Canal Zone, by Col. Goethals and party, the British minister, and the American charge, and went by special train across the Isthmus as the guest of Col. Goethals; and after lunching with Col. Goethals and inspecting the canal work, will go to Colon, embarking Wednesday morning on the Royal Mail steamship Tagus for New York, via Kingston, reaching New York August 4. Mr. Marsh adds that the services of himself and the American legation were placed at the disposal of the Chilean legation, for which courtesy, he says, President Montt expressed his thanks.