File No. 20272/28.
Consul Lee to the Secretary of State.
San Jose, December 28, 1909.
Sir: I have the honor to report that on the afternoon of the 25th instant the inaugural session of the Fourth International Sanitary Convention of the American Republics was held in the National Theater of this capital.
The convention is presided over by Dr. Juan J. Ulloa, and the different Republics of this continent were represented yesterday, at the first business session, as follows:
- Colombia, Dr. Martin Amador.
- Cuba, Dr. Hugo Roberts.
- United States, Surg. Gen. Walter Wyman, and Surgs. R. H. von Ezdorf and John William Amesse, of the United States Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service.
- Mexico, Dr. Eduardo Liceaga and Dr. Jesus Monjares.
- Guatemala, Dr. Nazario Toledo.
- Honduras, Dr. Fernando Vasquez.
- Panama, Dr. Belisario Porras.
- Venezuela, Dr. Pablo Acosta and Dr. Luis Razetti.
- Costa Rica, Dr. Juan J. Ulloa, Dr. Carlos Duran, Dr. José Maria Soto A., and Dr. Elias Rojos.
The interesting features of the inaugural session were the addresses of Don Ricardo Fernández Guardia, the Costa Rican Secretary of Foreign Affairs; of Dr. Juan J. Ulloa, Costa Rican consul general at New York and president of the convention, and also the extemporeraneous [Page 653] speech of Surg. Gen. Walter Wyman, which was well received, appreciated, and heartily applauded. During the course of the inaugural session Mr. Albert Hale extended to all present a cordial invitation to visit the home of the International Bureau of American Republics at Washington.
The regular sessions of the convention are now in progress at the Hall of Congress in this capital. There are in attendance representatives of the press and Mr. Albert Hale, who presents credentials as the authorized representative of the International Bureau of American Republics. This force of workers is here to prepare detailed reports of the work of the convention.
I have, etc.,