File No. 20272/2–3.
The Costa Rican Minister
to the Secretary of State.
Rican Legation,
Washington, July 24,
Mr. Secretary: I have the honor to send to your
excellency herein inclosed a note from the secretary of foreign
relations of Costa Rica, in which my Government addresses to the
Government of the United States a formal invitation to be represented at
the Fourth International Sanitary Conference to be held at San Jose,
Costa Rica, from December 25, 1909, to January 2, 1910.
Be pleased, etc.,
[Page 652]
The Costa Rican Secretary of
Foreign Relations to the Secretary
of State.
Republic of Costa Rica,
Department of Foreign Relations,
San Jose, July 7, 1909.
Mr. Secretary: The Third International
Sanitary Conference of the American Republics, which held its
sessions at Mexico from December 2 to 7, 1907,1 saw fit to unanimously designate
the city of San Jose, capital of this Republic, for the holding of
the fourth conference.
The exceedingly great importance of the work accomplished by the
previous International Sanitary Conferences can not have escaped the
lofty discernment of your excellency’s illustrious Government. This
work alone demonstrates the unquestionable utility of these
periodical meetings of representatives of American medical science
to the most vital interests of all the Republics of the Western
Basing my action on these solid grounds, I have the honor to invite
your excellency’s Government to the Fourth International Sanitary
Conference, which will be held at San Jose from December 25 of this
year to January 2, 1910, and I take pleasure in stating to you at
the same time that, in view of the humanitarian purpose of the
conference, the Government of Costa Rica cherishes the firm hope
that all the American nations will be represented at this as well as
at the subsequent conferences.
I avail, etc.,