File No. 22113/6.
The Secretary of State to Minister Brown.
Washington, November 5, 1909.
Mr. Knox instructs Mr. Brown to insist upon the return of the Perlas Co.’s launch held by Honduras. Says the company has also protested to the Nicaraguan Government against the impressment of the launch by insurgents, and that the department has instructed [Page 377] the consul at Bluefields to protest against any renewed interference with the business of the company, and such interference by Honduras is quite unjustifiable. Adds that he need not conceal from the Honduranean Government the fact that the attention of this Government has been called to reports from more than one quarter that Honduras is giving aid to the existing Government of Nicaragua against the revolutionists in violation of article 2 of the additional convention and in derogation of article 3 of the convention of Washington.