File No. 18942/29–31.

Minister Heimké to the Secretary of State.

No. 220.]

Sir: Referring to my No. 214, of the 17th ultimo,1 and to previous correspondence relative to my demand of the 31st of May last on the Government of Guatemala for the summary removal of Col. Alberto García from the post of jefe político at Livingston, on account of his corrupt connivance at the suppression of an investigation into the murder of the African-American citizen, William Wright, etc., I have the honor to transmit herewith a copy and translation of an official note, as well as a copy and translation of an unofficial note, addressed to me to-day by Sr. Don Guillermo Aguirre, minister for foreign affairs, saying that, with reference to my note of the 31st of May last, the above-named Col. García had been replaced by Sr. Don Luis Estrada Monzón as jefe político and comandante de armas at Livingston for the Department of Izabal.

Mr. Estrada Monzón, whom I know personally, has the reputation of being an honest man and a considerate and conscientious official, and I have been informed through our consulate general here that the removal of Col. García and the appointment in his place of Sr. Estrada Monzón has been received by natives as well as by foreigners in Livingston with expressions of satisfaction and delight.

I have addressed a note to the minister for foreign affairs thanking him for his two notes of to-day upon the subject of the substitution of Col. García by Mr. Estrada Monzón.

I have, etc.,

William Heimké.
[Inclosure 1.—Translation.]

The Minister for Foreign Affairs to Minister Heimké.

Mr. Minister: Referring to your attentive official communication of May 31 last, I have the honor to advise your excellency that Mr. Luis Estrada Monzón has recently taken charge of the jefatura politica and comandancia de armas of the Department of Izabal in substitution of Col. Alberto García.

I avail, etc.,

G. Aguirre.
[Inclosure 2.—Translation.]

The Minister for Foreign Affairs to Minister Heimké.

My Dear Mr. Heimké: In reply to your last courteous letter relative to Col. García, who for some time acted as jefe político and comandante de armas of the Department of Izabal I take pleasure in advising you that the substitute, Mr. Luis Estrada Monzón, appointed for the government of that department, has already assumed the duties of his office.

With my respectful greetings, I remain, etc.,

G. Aguirre.
  1. Not printed.