File No. 22587.
The French Ambassador to the Secretary of State.
Washington, November 29, 1909.
Mr. Secretary of State: Our consuls in the United States report to me that for some time past the Federal Immigration Service has been opposing difficulties to French soldiers who have been released from the military service after its completion and return to their homes in the United States. Unless provided with a sum of 250 francs, they are detained and threatened with deportation to France.
I venture to bring Your Excellency’s notice to the fact that, in the first place, the persons concerned were residents of the United States before going to France to perform their military service and, in the second place, our consuls are required by law to pay the way of these young men to their residence in the United States, no matter how distant it may be.
I should be very thankful to Your Excellency if you would kindly draw to this situation the favorable attention of the proper Federal authorities, with the remark that it could hardly be consistent with law and logic to consider returning foreigners who resided in the United States before going to their country there to perform their military service out of a sense of duty, as immigrants, and treat them as though they had not already been admitted, once for all, to residence in this country.
Be pleased, etc.,