File No. 22563/2.
The French Ambassador to the Secretary of State.
Washington, November 27, 1909.
Mr. Secretary of State: I have the honor to draw Your Excellency’s kind attention to the situation of a young Frenchman, Mr. Charles Roussel, who arrived on the steamship Caroline, of the Compagnie Générale Transatlantique, on the 18th instant and was denied admission into the United States by the Immigration Service.
The young man formerly lived at Providence, E. I., with his parents. Having returned to France to perform his military service, as required by law, he was discharged from the ranks on account of [Page 261] his weak constitution and came back to the United States, his traveling expenses being, under the regulation, paid both ways by the ministry of war of the Republic.
The consul general of France at New York, hearing that Eoussei was detained at Ellis Island, wrote to Mr. Williams, commissioner of immigration, to tell him how the young man was situated and inform him that the consulate general was ready to pay his way to Providence. Mr. Lanel, who was then advised that Mr. Roussel was excluded on account of his weak constitution and was about to be sent back to France, immediately wrote again to the commissioner to ask that his deportation be deferred.
This young man’s case is all the more interesting as he has no relations in France, and his parents reside in Providence. I venture to hope that, taking this situation into account, Your Excellency will kindly use your good offices with the proper department in behalf of my fellow countryman, who, if the decision of the Immigration Service were maintained, would find himself separated, resourceless, from his people, for performing his duty and obeying the laws of the Republic.
Be pleased, etc.,