Minister Beaupré to
the Secretary of State.
American Legation,
Aires, October 5,
No. 230.]
Sir: I have the honor herewith to transmit a
copy, cut from the Boletin Oficial of this government, No. 3569, of
September 16, 1905, of a convention between this Republic and that of
Paraguay, which provides for the appointing of a double commission to
determine which is the principal branch of the river Pilcomayo, declared
by treaty of February 3, 1876, and by President Rutherford B. Hayes in
arbitration to be the boundary between this country and Paraguay in the
region of the territories of the Chaco.
I am, etc.,
[Page 48]
[Inclosure.—Translated from the Boletin
Oficial, No. 3569, of September 16, 1905, of the Argentine
ministry of foreign affairs and
Convention between the Argentine
Republic and that of Paraguay for the nomination of a double
commission for the purpose of determining which is the principal
branch or channel of the Rio Pilcomayo that serves as the
boundary of the two countries.
In the city of Buenos Aires, on the 11th day of the month of
September of 1905, met in the office of the ministry of foreign
affairs and worship of the Argentine Republic: His excellency Dr.
Carlos Rodriguez Larreta, minister of said department, and his
excellency Dr. José Z. Caminos, envoy extraordinary and minister
plenipotentiary of Paraguay, with the purpose of defining which is
the principal branch or channel of the river Pilcomayo which,
according to the treaty of the 3d of February, 1876, celebrated
between the two Republics and the opinion in arbitration of Mr.
Rutherford B. Hayes, President of the United States of America,
uttered on November 12, 1878, is the boundary line of the two
countries in the region of the territories of the Chaco, have agreed
upon the following:
- Art. I. The Government of the
Argentine Republic on the one hand and the Government of the
Republic of Paraguay on the other agree to name a double
commission, composed of two experts for the first and two
other experts for the second, charged to make the necessary
studies in the river Pilcomayo in order to determine which
is the principal branch or channel of said river, according
to the treaty and opinion in arbitration to which reference
has been made.
- Art. II. These studies and the
investigation of the river having been concluded, the result
of which the commission shall have set forth in a diary of
navigation to be delivered in duplicate, the commissioners
shall present them to their respective governments with a
report and a descriptive chart of said river, giving account
of the fulfillment of their mission.
- Art. III. Upon receipt of this
chart and of the documents mentioned in the preceding
article the Argentine and Paraguayan Governments shall,
through their representatives, examine the matter in the
city of Buenos Aires in order to determine the branch of the
river Pilcomayo that is to be considered the principal
channel according to the treaty of 1876 and the opinion in
arbitration above mentioned.
- Art. IV. Each one of the
contracting governments shall pay the expenses of its
delegates and half of the common expenses that the
commission shall incur in the performance of the duties
enumerated in article second.
In faith of which the plenipotentiaries of both Republics duly
authorized to this end sign and seal in two copies the present
convention in the city and on the date ut supra.
- C. Rodriguez Larreta.
- José Z. Caminos.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and
Buenos Aires,
September 11, 1905.
Approved. Let it be made known to the Congress.
- Quintana.
- C. Rodriguez Larreta.