The Acting Secretary of State to the Russian Ambassador.

Dear Mr. Ambassador: Referring to your note of April 10, in reference to Commander Berlinsky of the Lena who desires four months’ leave of absence on account of his health, I wish to say that it is only competent for the President of the United States to accept [Page 788] the parole of Commander Berlinsky for residence in territory on this continent under the jurisdiction of the United States. Commander Berlinsky is interned under the jurisdiction of the government, and it would not seem to be competent for the President of the United States to accept his parole outside of the United States in Europe or elsewhere.

There will be no difficulty whatsoever about accepting the parole of Commander Berlinsky for residence or travel in any part of this country. If he desires to go to Europe during his conge he would have to give his parole to some representative of the Japanese Government, and I will be very glad to take up the matter with the Japanese legation here, if you so desire.

Francis B. Loomis.