Minister Beaupré to
the Secretary of State.
American Legation,
Aires, May 10,
No. 154.]
Sir: I have the honor to report that there has
been signed by the presidents of the Argentine Republic and the Republic
of Uruguay through their respective plenipotentiaries, Dr. Carlos
Rodriguez Larreta, minister of foreign affairs of this government, and
Señor Daniel Muñoz, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of
Uruguay before this government, a treaty having for its end the
suppression of all lotteries within the territory of the respective
republics. This treaty was on the 4th instant sent to Congress
accompanied by an executive message urging its ratification, and has
been referred by that body to its committee on constitutional affairs. I
inclose a copy of the treaty cut from the daily record of the Senate,
with translation; also a copy of the executive message above mentioned,
likewise with translation.
* * * * * * *
I am, etc.,
[From the daily record of the
National Congress: “Camara de Senadores,” No. 3, of May 6, 1905,
reporting session of May 4, 1905.]
treaty with the republic of
uruguay for the suppression of the lottery.
The President of the Argentine Republic and the President of the
Oriental Republic of Uruguay, with the desire to combat gambling in
their respective countries, have resolved to this end to enter into
a treaty and have named their plenipotentiaries, to wit:
- The President of the Argentine Republic, Dr. Carlos
Rodriguez Larreta, minister of state in the department of
foreign affairs and worship:
- The President of the Oriental Republic of Uruguay, Señor
Daniel Muñoz, envoy extraordinary and minister
plenipotentiary of said Republic, who having exchanged their
full powers, which were found in good and due form, have
agreed upon the following:
- Article I. The contracting governments agree to
suppress from the 1st of July, 1907, the lotteries
of charity and philanthropy, whose drawings are at
present made under official patronage in the two
- Article II. Each one of the high contracting
parties promises to prohibit and to prosecute every
lottery undertaking, public or private, which shall
intend to establish itself or which shall establish
itself in its territory, whether in the Argentine
provinces or in the departments of the Oriental
Republic of Uruguay.
- Article III. None of the governments shall grant
the character and privileges of legal personality to
anonymous societies that under any pretext whatever
may propose to exploit gambling by means of drawings
and the distribution of prizes that depend upon
chance. Before the 1st of July, 1907, the
contracting governments likewise promise and agree
to withdraw the legal personality which they have
given to societies of this sort.
- Article IV. The authorities of both nations will
lend one another reciprocal aid in prosecuting
clandestine lotteries and also those which exist
under authority of the governments of other
countries. In order to make more difficult the
introduction of foreign lotteries, the high
contracting parties will negotiate the adhesion of
the republics of Brazil, Paraguay, Bolivia, and
Chile to the clauses of the present treaty, which
shall not enter into effect so long as such adhesion
shall not have been obtained.
- Article V. This convention shall continue in force
for the term of ten years counting from the 1st of
July, 1907. But if none of the contracting parties
announces to the other one year before this term
expires its intention to make it cease of effect, it
shall continue in force until one year after the day
on which the denunciation made by one of the
contracting parties shall come to the knowledge of
the other.
- Article VI. The present treaty shall be ratified
and the ratifications shall be exchanged in Buenos
Aires eight months after this date, or earlier if
In faith of which the plenipotentiaries have signed the present
treaty in duplicate and have sealed it in the city of Buenos Aires,
the 27th day of the month of April, 1905.
Rodriguez Larreta, Jr.