Commercial convention between Switzerland and
Portugal, the Federal Council of the Swiss Confederation and His
Majesty the King of Portugal and of the Algarves equally inspired by
the wish to regulate the commercial relations of the two countries,
have resolved to conclude a special convention for that purpose, and
have named as their plenipotentiaries: The Federal Council of the
Swiss Confederation: Dr. Adolphe Deucher, a federal councilor, chief
of the department of commerce, industry, and agriculture, and His
Majesty the King of Portugal and of the Algarves: His Excellency
Alberto Oliveira, his envoy extraordinary and minister
plenipotentiary to the Swiss Confederation, who, having exchanged
their full powers, found in good and due form, have agreed upon the
following articles:
Article 1.
The contracting parties mutually guarantee to each other the
treatment accorded to the most favored nation in all that concerns
importation, exportation, and transit.
Article 2.
In consequence of the agreement contained in the preceding article,
it is agreed that cheeses of Swiss origin shall enjoy, on their
entry into Portugal, the same privileges accorded to the cheeses of
Holland or of any other country.
Article 3.
The particular brands of Portuguese wines (that is to say, Port and
Madeira) at their normal alcoholic test (23 maximum for Port and 21
for Madeira) will be admitted into Switzerland upon the same terms
as the special Italian brands, Marsalia, Malvasia, Muscato, and
Vernaccia, or of any other country whatever, without being subjected
to any monopolizing tax, nor to any supplemental tax.
The same treatment will be accorded by Switzerland to the wines of
Malvoisie and Muscat coming from Portugal, as well as to the
Portuguese specialties called Carcavellos, Lavradio, Fuzeta, Borba,
Dâo, and Barraida, of no higher test than 18 of alcohol.
Article 4.
It is understood that the special concessions already granted or
which may be granted in the future by Portugal to Spain and Brazil
are not included in the most-favored-nation clause. However, if
Portugal should extend these concessions to any other country
whatsoever, they will be immediately extended to Switzerland.
[Page 741]
Article 5.
The terms of this convention are applicable, without exception, to
the so-called adjacent Portuguese islands—that is to say, Madeira,
Porto-Santo, and the Azores.
Article 6.
The products of Portuguese colonies, reexported from Portugal to
Switzerland, shall have, on entry into the latter country, the
benefit of the treatment of the most favored nation.
Article 7.
The present convention will come into force immediately after the
exchange of ratifications and remain in force five years from that
In the event that either of the contracting parties fail to give
notice twelve months before the end of this period, of its intention
to annul this convention, the same shall remain in force until the
expiration of a year from the day when one of the contracting
parties shall have denounced it.
Article 8.
The present convention will be ratified, and the ratifications shall
be exchanged at Berne, as soon as possible.
In faith whereof, the plenipotentiaries have signed the present
convention and have affixed thereto their seals.
Done in duplicate at
the twentieth of
December one thousand nine hundred and five
Dr. A. Deucher.
l. s.]
Alberto d’Oliveira.