Chargé Garrett to the Secretary of State.

No. 843.]

Sir: I have the honor to inclose herewith duplicate copies of a royal order of January 23, 1905, announcing the names of the powers that, up to December 31, 1904, have ratified or adhered to the conventions and declarations of the. Peace Conference of 1899, together with the dates on which the several acts of ratification were deposited or on which the adherence was made.

I have the honor, etc.,

John W. Garrett.


[From the Staatsblad of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.]

No. 29 Order of the 23d of January, 1905, announcing the names of the powers who up to the 31st of December have ratified or adhered to the conventions and declarations of the Peace Conference.

We, Welhelmina, by the grace of God Queen of the Netherlands, Princess of Orange-Nassau, etc.,

In observance of our order of the 19th of September, 1900 (Official Gazette, No. 163), providing for the announcing in the Official Gazette of the conventions and declarations signed at the Peace Conference on the 29th of July, 1899:

Whereas it is desirable that the names of the powers who have subsequently ratified or adhered to the said conventions and declarations should be made known;

Whereas the names of all the powers who have ratified or adhered to these acts are mentioned in the list annexed to this order;

At the advice of the minister of foreign affairs of the 3d of January, 1905, No. 178, protocol bureau;

Have resolved and decreed:

That the said list shall be published by placing this order in the Official Gazette. Our ministers, chiefs of government departments, are charged, each for so far as he is concerned, with the carrying out of whatever may be required in this matter.

The Hague, the 23d of January, 1905. Wilhelmina.
The Minister of Foreign Affairs, R. Melvil van Lynden.
Issued this second day of February, 1905.
The Minister of Justice, J. A. Loeff.
[Page 691]

List of the names of the powers in regard to which the conventions and declarations signed on July 29, 1899, were obligatory on December 31, 1904.

a.—powers which have ratified.

[The dates mentioned indicate the day on which the several acts of ratification were deposited.]

I. Convention concerning the pacific settlement of international disputes. II. Convention concerning the laws and customs of war on land. III. Convention concerning the adaptation to maritime warfare of the principles of the Geneva conference of August 22, 1864 (Article 10 is excluded from the ratification of the above convention.) IV. 1°. Declaration prohibiting the throwing of projectiles from balloons or other analogous means. IV. 2°. Declaration prohibiting the use of projectiles having as their sole object the diffusion of asphyxiating or deleterious gases. IV. 3°. Declaration prohibiting the use of bullets which expand or flatten easily in the human body.
Austria-Hungary. Sept. 4, 1900 Sept. 4, 1900 Sept. 4, 1900 Sept. 4, 1900 Sept. 4, 1900 Sept. 4, 1900
Belgium Sept. 4, 1900 Sept. 4, 1900 Sept. 4, 1900 Sept. 4, 1900 Sept. 4, 1900 Sept. 4, 1900
Bulgaria Sept. 4, 1900 Sept. 4, 1900 Sept. 4, 1900 Sept. 4, 1900 Sept. 4, 1900 Sept. 4, 1900
China Nov. 21, 1904 (a) Nov. 21, 1904 Nov. 21, 1904 Nov. 21, 1904 Nov. 21, 1904
Denmark Sept. 4, 1900 Sept. 4, 1900 Sept. 4, 1900 Sept. 4, 1900 Sept. 4, 1900 Sept. 4, 1900
France Sept. 4, 1900 Sept. 4, 1900 Sept. 4, 1900 Sept. 4, 1900 Sept. 4, 1900 Sept. 4, 1900
Germany Sept. 4, 1900 Sept. 4, 1900 Sept. 4, 1900 Sept. 4, 1900 Sept. 4, 1900 Sept. 4, 1900
Great Britain Sept. 4, 1900 Sept. 4, 1900 Sept. 4, 1900 (a) (a) (a)
Greece Apr. 4, 1901 Apr. 4, 1901 Apr. 4, 1901 Apr. 4, 1901 Apr. 4, 1901 Apr. 4, 1901
Italy Sept. 4, 1900 Sept. 4, 1900 Sept. 4, 1900 Sept. 4, 1900 Sept. 4, 1900 Sept. 4, 1900
Japan Oct. 6, 1900 Oct. 6, 1900 Oct. 6, 1900 Oct. 6, 1900 Oct. 6, 1900 Oct. 6, 1900
Luxemburg July 12, 1901 July 12, 1901 July 12, 1901 July 12, 1901 July 12, 1901 July 12, 1901
Mexico Apr. 17, 1901 Apr. 17, 1901 Apr. 17, 1901 Apr. 17, 1901 Apr. 17, 1901 Apr. 17, 1901
Montenegro Oct. 16, 1900 Oct. 16, 1900 Oct. 16, 1900 Oct. 16, 1900 Oct. 16, 1900 Oct. 16, 1900
Netherlands Sept. 4, 1900 Sept. 4, 1900 Sept. 4, 1900 Sept. 4, 1900 Sept. 4, 1900 Sept. 4, 1900
Persia Sept. 4, 1900 Sept. 4, 1900 Sept. 4, 1900 Sept. 4, 1900 Sept. 4, 1900 Sept. 4, 1900
Portugal Sept. 4, 1900 Sept. 4, 1900 Sept. 4, 1900 Sept. 4, 1900 Sept. 4, 1900 (a)
Roumania(b) Sept. 4, 1900 Sept. 4, 1900 Sept. 4, 1900 Sept. 4, 1900 Sept. 4, 1900 Sept. 4, 1900
Russia Sept. 4, 1900 Sept. 4, 1900 Sept. 4, 1900 Sept. 4, 1900 Sept. 4, 1900 Sept. 4, 1900
Servia(c) May 11, 1901 May 11, 1901 May 11, 1901 May 11, 1901 May 11, 1901 May 11, 1901
Siam Sept. 4, 1900 Sept. 4, 1900 Sept. 4, 1900 Sept. 4, 1900 Sept. 4, 1900 Sept. 4, 1900
Spain Sept. 4, 1900 Sept. 4, 1900 Sept. 4, 1900 Sept. 4, 1900 Sept. 4, 1900 Sept. 4, 1900
Sweden and Norway Sept. 4, 1900 (d) Sept. 4, 1900 Sept. 4, 1900 Sept. 4, 1900 Sept. 4, 1900
Switzerland Dec. 29, 1900 (d) Dec. 29, 1900 Dec. 29, 1900 Dec. 29, 1900 Dec. 29, 1900
Turkey (d) (d) (d) (d) (d) (d)
United States(e) Sept. 4, 1900 Apr. 9, 1902 Sept. 4, 1900 Sept. 4, 1900 (a) (a)

b.—adhering powers.

[The dates mentioned indicate the day of adherence.]

Guatemala ..... ..... Apr. 6, 1903 ..... ..... .....
Korea ..... Mar. 17, 1903 Feb. 7, 1903 ..... ..... .....
Peru ..... Nov. 24, 1903 Nov. 24, 1903 ..... ..... .....
Salvador ..... June 20, 1902 June 20, 1902 ..... ..... .....
  1. Neither signed nor ratified.
  2. Neither signed nor ratified.
  3. Neither signed nor ratified.
  4. Neither signed nor ratified.
  5. Neither signed nor ratified.
  6. Under reservation in respect to articles 16, 17, and 19 of the proposal laid before the committee of inquiry, entered in the minutes of the third committee of July 20, 1899.
  7. Under the reservation mentioned in the minutes of the third committee of July 20, 1899.
  8. Signed but not ratified.
  9. Signed but not ratified.
  10. Signed but not ratified.
  11. Signed but not ratified.
  12. Signed but not ratified.
  13. Signed but not ratified.
  14. Signed but not ratified.
  15. Signed but not ratified.
  16. Under the reservation made at the general meeting of the conference, July 25, 1899.
  17. Neither signed nor ratified.
  18. Neither signed nor ratified.