Minister Morgan to the Secretary of State.

No. 11.]

Sir: I have the honor to transmit the official text of the agreement respecting the coast trade of Korea, signed on the 13th instant on behalf of the Imperial Governments of Japan and Korea by their excellencies the Japanese minister, Mr. Hayashi, and the Korean minister for foreign affairs, Mr. Yi Ha Yong, and handed me yesterday by my Japanese colleague. * * *

Under article 14 of the treaty of May 22, 1882, between the United States and Korea, the privilege obtained by Japanese subjects through this agreement should be open to the citizens of the United States. The Japanese minister assures me that this is the understanding of his government.

I have, etc.

Edwin V. Morgan.

agreement respecting the coast trade of korea.

Inasmuch as it has been recognized by the Japanese and Korean Governments that it is essential for the furtherance of industrial enterprise and for the expansion of trade in Korea that Japanese vessels should be permitted to make voyages on the coasts and in the inland waters of Korea, Hayashi Gonsuke, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary to the Empire of Korea and Yi Ha Yong, foreign minister of the Empire of Korea, having been respectively invested with full powers, hereby conclude the following agreement:

1. Japanese vessels may, subject to the provisions of this agreement, make voyages on the coast and in the inland waters of Korea. This agreement does not, however, apply to voyages between the open ports.

2. When a Japanese vessel is intended for voyages on the coast and in the inland waters of Korea, the names and addresses of its owners, the name, tonnage, and cargo capacity of the vessel, and the limits of the proposed voyage or voyages shall be notified to the Korean maritime customs through a Japanese consulate, and the vessel will receive a license.

[Page 631]

This license shall be valid for a period of one year from the date of issue.

3. The following fees shall be paid to the Korean maritime customs for each license:

Vessels of Japanese type 15
Vessels of foreign type—
Under 100 tons 18
Above 100 and under 500 tons 50
Above 500 and under 1,000 tons 100
Above 1,000 tons 150

4. Japanese vessels may voyage freely within the limits described in their licenses, but may not proceed to places outside Korean territory unless driven by stress of weather or other unforeseen circumstances, or have received permission to do so from the Korean maritime customs.

5. Japanese vessels, when engaged in coasting voyages, must always carry their licenses, and must produce them when required to do so by an official of the Korean maritime customs or by headmen of towns or villages authorized by the provincial authorities.

6. Owners of Japanese vessels may acquire ground for the erection of storehouses at places where their vessels touch.

They may also, with the sanction of the Korean maritime customs, erect wharves on the coast.

7. In the event of the infringement of the provisions of this agreement on the part of Japanese vessels, the Korean maritime customs have power, after inquiry into the circumstances, and having regard to the gravity of the offense, to demand the return of the license and to refuse to grant a fresh license.

8. Japanese vessels and their crews, in the event of infringement of this agreement or of the other treaty provisions, shall be dealt with at a Japanese consulate in accordance with treaty provisions and Japanese law.

9. The duration of this agreement shall be fixed at fifteen years from the date of signature, and on the expiration of this term a new arrangement may be entered into after consultation.

However, should maritime enterprise in Korea be extended in the future, a new agreement may be concluded before the expiration of the above term, after consultation between the two governments.

Hayashi Gonsuke,
Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary.

Yi Ha Yong,
Foreign Minister.