The Japanese Minister to the Secretary of State.
Washington, November 10, 1905.
Sir: I have the honor to inform you that fourteen Japanese passengers who arrived at the port of Vladivostok by the Norwegian steamship Norma were first permitted to land at the said port on the 28th of October, but on the following morning they were ordered by the local police authorities to leave the place and had, therefore, to return home by the next steamer. The reason assigned for the measure thus taken against the Japanese, as it is understood, is that inasmuch as Russians are not admitted to Port Arthur, Japanese should not be allowed to land at Vladivostok. In case of Port Arthur, however, no one, whether Japanese or foreigner, is allowed for the present to enter into the port unless special permission be obtained in advance; thus no discrimination whatever is being made against Russians in this respect, and therefore it is in no way the case of discriminatory treatment intended against any particular nationals as in Vladivostok where, while other foreigners are being admitted, only Japanese have been excluded.
With the circumstance in view, the Imperial Government instructs me to again request your good offices to issue necessary instructions by telegraph to the American commercial agent at Vladivostok directing him to communicate with the Russian authorities there to the end that no such discriminatory treatment against Japanese as above stated will be given hereafter, and to report the result of his action by telegraph.
Accept, etc.,