The Japanese Minister to the Secretary of State.

No. 79 B.]

Sir: Under instructions of His Imperial Majesty’s Government, I have the honor to announce to the United States Government the conclusion of a new agreement between the Governments of Japan and Korea, a copy of which I beg to herewith inclose, together with a copy of the declaration of the Japanese Government regarding it.

Accept, etc.,

K. Takahira.
[Inclosure 1.]

agreement between the governments of japan and korea.

The Governments of Japan and Korea, desiring to strengthen the principle of solidarity which unites the two Empires, have with that object in view agreed upon and concluded the following stipulations, to serve until the moment arrives when it is recognized that Korea has attained national strength.

Article I.

The Government of Japan, through the department of foreign affairs in Tokyo, will hereafter have control and direction of the external relations and affairs of Korea and the diplomatic and consular representatives of Japan will have the charge of the subjects and interests of Korea in foreign countries.

Article II.

The Government of Japan undertake to see to the execution of the treaties actually existing between Korea and other powers, and the Government of Korea engage not to conclude hereafter any act or engagement having an international character, except through the medium of the Government of Japan.

Article III.

The Government of Japan shall be represented at the court of His Majesty the Emperor of Korea by a resident general, who shall reside at Seoul primarily for the purpose of taking charge of and directing the matters relating to diplomatic affairs. He shall have the right of private and personal audience of His Majesty the Emperor of Korea. The Japanese [Page 613] Government shall have the right to station residents at the several open ports and such other places in Korea as they may deem necessary.

Such residents shall, under the direction of the resident general, exercise the powers and functions hitherto appertaining to Japanese consuls in Korea, and shall perform such duties as may be necessary in order to carry into full effect the provisions of this agreement.

Article IV.

The stipulations of all treaties and agreements existing between Japan and Korea not inconsistent with the provisions of this agreement shall continue in force.

Article V.

The Government of Japan undertake to maintain the welfare and dignity of the Imperial House of Korea.

In faith whereof the undersigned duly authorized by their governments, have signed this agreement and affixed their seals.

Hayashi Gonsuke,
His Imperial Japanese Majesty’s Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary.

Pak Che Soon,
His Imperial Korean Majesty’s Minister for Foreign Affairs.
[Inclosure 2.]

declaration of the japanese government.

The relations of propinquity have made it necessary for Japan to take and exercise, for reasons closely connected with her own safety and repose, a paramount interest and influence in the political and military affairs of Korea. The measures hitherto taken have been purely advisory, but the experience of recent years has demonstrated the insufficiency of measures of guidance alone. The unwise and improvident action of Korea, more especially in the domain of her international concerns, has in the past been the most fruitful source of complications. To permit the present unsatisfactory condition of things to continue unrestrained and unregulated would be to invite fresh difficulties, and Japan believes that she owes it to herself and to her desire for the general pacification of the extreme East to take the steps necessary to put an end once for all to this dangerous situation. Accordingly, with that object in view and in order at the same time to safeguard their own position and to promote the well-being of the Government and people of Korea, the Imperial Government have resolved to assume a more intimate and direct influence and responsibility than heretofore in the external relations of the peninsula. The Government of His Majesty the Emperor of Korea are in accord with the Imperial Government as to the absolute necessity of the measure, and the two governments, in order to provide for the peaceful and amicable establishment of the new order of things, have concluded the accompanying compact. In bringing this agreement to the notice of the powers having treaties with Korea, the Imperial Government declare that in assuming charge of the foreign relations of Korea and undertaking the duty of watching over the execution of the existing treaties of that country they will see that those treaties are maintained and respected, and they also engage not to prejudice in any way the legitimate commercial and industrial interests of those powers in Korea.