The Acting Secretary of State to the Japanese Minister.
Washington, July 18, 1905.
My Dear Mr. Minister: Referring to Mr. Loomis’s personal note to you of April 13 last and to subsequent correspondence regarding a leave of absence for Commander Berlinski of the Russian transport [Page 597] Lena, now interned at Mare Island Navy-Yard, San Francisco, I beg to inform you that the Department is in receipt of a telegram of this day’s date from the American ambassador at St. Petersburg, stating that the Russian Government requests permission for Captain Ginter to replace Captain Berlinski, on account of the illness of the latter, and that the Russian minister of marine officially guarantees that Captain Ginter will take no further part in the war. I presume Captain Berlinski is meant.
I shall be greatly obliged if you will, at your earliest convenience, advise me whether your government would have any objection to this arrangement.
I am, etc.,