The Acting Secretary of State to the Japanese Minister.
Washington, May 5, 1905.
Sir: Referring to the summary of a telegram from Baron Komura to you, received the 26th ultimo, which you handed to the Department on the 27th ultimo, and which relates to the duty, as a neutral power, of China regarding the reports that are being constantly received by the Japanese Government concerning the measures taken for the restoration of the fighting power to the dismantled Russian vessels now interned at Shanghai, I have the honor to inform you that [Page 591] the Department is in receipt of a telegram from the American chargé d’affaires ad interim at Peking, dated the 2d instant, in answer to the Department’s telegram to him of the 28th ultimo directing him to point out to the Chinese Government the gravity of the situation and to urge that no proper effort be spared to maintain China’s neutrality.
The chargé’s telegram, summarized, is as follows:
China answers that some time ago the Chinese foreign office, upon hearing reports that the Russian vessels interned at Shanghai were planning to put to sea, sent telegrams repeatedly, directing the viceroy at Nanking to investigate the matter. The viceroy reported that the condition of the Russian war vessels was unchanged since the removal of parts of their machinery; that he (the viceroy) had detailed additional war vessels to watch, and that strict and secret protective measures were being taken, no remissness being shown. The foreign office had also asked the Russian minister to instruct, by telegraph, the Russian war vessels at Shanghai that on no account should they attempt such a thing. The foreign office adds that it is China’s desire and for the interest of all nations that its neutrality should not be violated; and that the government of that country is observing strict neutrality and will certainly use every exertion to discharge its responsibility.
Accept, etc.,