Note verbale handed to Acting Secretary of State Adee by the Japanese Minister, March 21, 1905.
statement of the japanese government regarding the neutrality of china.
It is reported that the Russian Government has again drawn attention of the powers with a statement to the effect that the imperial troops were guilty of a violation of China’s neutrality, as their appearance behind the Russian army in the western portion of Fenghien Province must have been effected by taking route through Mongolia. As a matter of fact, however, the imperial forces have never passed through Mongolian territory; while Russia has long been drawing supplies from Mongolia, and always sending there disguised or armed troops, which, intimidating native princes and people, have caused them to render assistance to the Russians in the rear.
The following are the facts in evidence:
- 1.
- From the beginning of the war till last July Russia had at Halatokai and Lesserkoulon and in Khorchin district, under the jurisdiction of Prince of Hintu, some 200 soldiers detailed for requisitioning horses and cattle.
- 2.
- In the latter part of last June a Russian force consisting of some 50 troopers and artillerymen proceeded from the neighborhood of Tie Ling and Kaiyuan, penetrated into the interior of Mongolia under the rule of Prince Pei, taking their route between Chungchiatun and Kangan.
- 3.
- In last September a body of Russian soldiers, together with a number of Manchurian and Mongolian soldiers under their employ, proceeded westward from the neighborhood of Tie Ling, guarding 300 carts laden with arms and ammunition and passing through that part of Mongolia which is administered by the Prince of Hintu to Pakuoshu, near Lesserkoulon. At Pakuoshu they met with resistance at the hands of the Chinese officials and people, and, being defeated, had the ammunition confiscated by the magistrate of the Chaoyang district.
- 4.
- On September 15 last 300 Russian troopers were dispatched from Tie Ling to Halaseokai, presumably for the purpose of intimidating the aforesaid Chinese officials and people.
- 5.
- Since August last from 200 to 500 Russian soldiers have been stationed in the capital town of the Hwaite-Haien or district, and they have been going round in the Khorlos district in Mongolia, extending from Chungchiatun to Petun. These Russian soldiers levied supplies, especially cattle and horses, by requisition in the northeast of Mongolia, and after bringing them together at Petun conveyed them southeast under custody of soldiers, both by water and land routes, through the Khorlos district.
- 6.
- It is still afresh in the memory of the general public that Russia had the rifles, guns, and ammunitions which she attempted to send to North China from Mongolia, through Changchiakuo or Kalgan, confiscated by the Chinese authorities at Kalgan.