Minister Griscom to the Secretary of State.

No. 211.]

Sir: Referring to previous correspondence, I have the honor to transmit to you herewith inclosed a copy of a note received this day from the Japanese minister for foreign affairs wherein he acknowledges the receipt of a printed copy of recent correspondence between the American Government and the Governments of Russia and China, concerning the observance of neutrality by China in the present war.

Baron Komura states that his government has had occasion to present to you, through their representative at Washington, a statement in refutation of the Russian charges, so far as these charges reflect on the action of Japan, and it, therefore, only remains for them in that connection at this time to confirm the entire accuracy of that statement.

Baron Komura also asks me to convey to you an expression of his high appreciation of your courtesy in placing him in possession of the correspondence in its complete form.

I have, etc.,

Lloyd Griscom.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs to Minister Griscom.

Mr. Minister: I have had the honor to receive your excellency’s note of the 23d ultimo, inclosing for my information in pursuance of instructions from your Government, copy of a print of a recent correspondence that passed between the American Government and the Governments of Russia and China concerning the observance of neutrality by China in the present war.

[Page 588]

The Imperial Government, as your excellency is aware, have already had occasion to present to the honorable the Secretary of State, through their representative in Washington, a statement in refutation of the Russian charges, so far as those charges reflected on the action of Japan, and it therefore only remains for them in that connection at this time to confirm the entire accuracy of that statement.

In requesting you to convey to the Hon. Mr. Hay an expression of my high appreciation of his courtesy in placing me in possession of the correspondence in its completer form, I beg to renew, etc.,

Baron Komura Jutaro.