Minister Powell to the Secretary of State.
Port au Prince, Haiti, November 20, 1905.
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of Department’s No. 722, November 9, 1905, inclosing a letter from Mr. A. Lagojannis, in regard to the Haitian Government’s refusal to permit foreigners [Page 550] to engage in retail business in Haiti and to report whether Mr. Lagojannis is an American citizen.
I have the honor to reply that Mr. A. Lagojannis is a naturalized American citizen (Greek origin) and conducts a large retail business in fancy articles. Under the terms of the law now being enforced no foreigners (except in special cases) are allowed to conduct retail business; this is left exclusively to Haitians. No objection is made to their conducting wholesale business.
Mr. Lagojannis has two stores, one which he conducts himself, as stated above, the other by his wife, who is a Haitian. The latter conducts a millinery business and articles for female use, etc. Both have been in business for many years.
I have, etc.,