Minister Powell to the Secretary of State.
Port au Prince, April 29, 1905.
Sir: I have the honor to state that the feeling against the Syrians still continues acute. Many are still leaving by every steamer sailing from these ports. * * *
The papers, especially the “Anti-Syrien,” which have been publishing bitter articles against these people, have been suppressed. This was brought about, I think, from an interview that I had with the President and the minister of foreign relations. The suppression of this paper and the forbidding articles of a like character from appearing in some of the other papers is about the only bright feature in this matter.
One of our citizens of Syrian origin, Elie A. Mansour, has been refused a license. He applied at the regular time, October 1, 1904. He has been in business for some years. The government will give no reason for its refusal. I have requested to be informed why this refusal, what the reasons are, and what complaint they have against him. My letters remain unanswered. I have seen the minister of foreign relations, and he states to me that it is a matter in the hands of the President. Finding that there was more ill-feeling about to occur, I have not pressed further for an answer. * * *
I have, etc.,