Chargé Brown to the Secretary of State.
Guatemala and Honduras,
Guatemala, May 20, 1905.
Sir: Referring to Mr. Combs’s dispatch No. 270, dated the 26th ultimo, concerning the adjustment of a complaint lodged against the Government of Guatemala for abuses by government officials, I now have the honor of transmitting herewith a copy of a communication, dated the 3d instant, from Mrs. Al. Stebbins, informing the legation that the matter had been adjusted to her entire satisfaction.
Mrs. Stebbins received five promissory notes from one of the leading commercial houses of this city, Fed. Koper & Co., for 1,000 pesos each., [Page 530] One note is payable each month from May to September of the current year. In the notes it is stated that Fed. Koper & Co. pay Mrs. Al. Stebbins the amount stipulated for account of Meleton Agreda, the offending official.
I have, etc.,