Chargé Wilson to the Secretary of State.
Athens, September 27, 1905.
Sir: Referring to my dispatch No. 304, of August 22, last, I have the honor to report that the conditions in Crete show some slight improvement, due to the fact that the insurgents seem to be getting rather discouraged on account of the firm attitude taken by the powers. The Cretans, as well as the Greeks, still insist that the only possible settlement of the question is annexation with Greece, and that until that takes place there is no chance of any lasting peace.
Small skirmishes still continue to take place between the insurgents [Page 509] and the international troops, but they are less frequent and the bands are smaller than before.* * *
The Cretan Parliament met for a few days, on September 11, and abolished the law giving Prince George, the high commissioner, the right to appoint ten members of Parliament and the mayors of the municipal boroughs. A bill and credit were also voted for the formation of a body of 1,200 municipal guards to preserve order.
As soon as the bad weather begins the insurrection will probably entirely die out for the time being, though it is almost certain to break out again in the spring unless in the meantime some steps are taken by the powers to satisfy the demand for annexation made by Greeks and Cretans. Up to the present time, however, the powers have refused the repeated Greek and Cretan demands, and have on the contrary recently increased their forces in the island.
I have, etc.,