The Secretary of State to the British Ambassador.
Washington, November 3, 1905.
My Dear Mr. Ambassador: Since our conversation the other day about the preservation of Niagara Falls, I have examined the invitation from the United States to Great Britain for the formation of the International Waterways Commission and the acceptance by Great Britain. It seems quite clear that to investigate the withdrawal of water from the Niagara River above the Falls and the effect of such withdrawal would be within the scope of the commission’s duties. If it would be agreeable to you, I should be glad to join in a request or instruction to the commission to make such investigation and report. I suggest that their attention should, be directed—
- A.
- To the existing withdrawal from both sides of the river.
- B.
- To the extent to which further withdrawals can be permitted without seriously damaging the Falls.
- C.
- To the regulations which if agreed upon and put in force by the governments would be effectual to prevent the destruction of or serious impairment to the Falls.
I am, etc.,