The Secretary of State to the British Ambassador.
Washington, March 7, 1905.
Excellency: The President has been gratified to learn by your note No. 35 of the 1st instant, which I laid before him, of the purpose of your government to have His Majesty’s second cruiser squadron, under the command of Rear Admiral His Serene Highness Prince [Page 477] Louis of Battenberg, G. C. B., G. C. V. O., visit the ports of Newport, New York, and Annapolis during the ensuing autumn, and charges me to say to you that this contemplated friendly visit of His Majesty’s ships will be most agreeable to this government.
Regarding his reception of the rear-admiral and his officers he wishes me to say, in expressing the great pleasure which such reception will afford him, that, as suggested by the lords commissioners of the admiralty, the month of October ensuing would suit him best as the most convenient period.
I shall be happy to receive from you, agreeably to your promise, the names, ranks, and seniority of the rear-admiral’s staff and of the captains of the several ships forming the squadron.
I have, etc.,