Chargé Brown to the
Acting Secretary of State.
American Legation to Guatemala and Honduras,
Guatemala, July 5,
No. 288.]
Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith
copies with translations appended of the expressions of condolence on
the death of Mr. Hay received by this legation from the Governments of
Guatemala and Honduras.
The spontaneous expression of sympathy from President Estrada Cabrera
seems to me to be marked by a sincere appreciation of the dead statesman
and a true spirit of friendship toward the United States.
I have, etc.,
[Page 17]
The Minister for Foreign
Affairs of Guatemala to Chargé Brown.
Department of
Foreign Affairs,
Republic of Guatemala, Central
Palace, Guatemala, July 1, 1905.
Mr. Chargé: With the most profound sorrow
informed myself of the contents of your honor’s note of this date,
informing me of the sad death of the Hon. Mr. Hay, Secretary of
State of the United States, that occurred this morning.
The disappearance of that eminent diplomat and illustrious coworker
of His Excellency President Roosevelt must resound with a sad echo,
not only in his own country, but over the whole world, since his
authorized word was listened to with respect by all the governments
of the earth.
Kindly accept, your honor, on this sad occasion, the assurance of our
heartfelt sympathy, which in my own name and that of the Government
of this Republic I present to you.
I renew, etc.,
The President of
Guatemala to Chargé Brown.
President of the Republic of Guatemala, Central
Guatemala, July 1,
Honorable Friend: I have just received the
sad notice of the death in Washington of that notable American
statesman, John Hay, who was such an honor to the Government of the
Republic you worthily represent in the delicate post of secretary of
foreign affairs.
Aside from the demonstrations that the government will make owing to
this notable occurrence, I desire to directly express for it to your
honor my most sincere sorrow, that your honor may kindly communicate
same to your government. You well know how occurrences to that great
nation affect your obedient servant,
The Minister for Foreign
Affairs of Honduras to Chargé Brown.
Paz, Honduras,
July 3, 1905.
With profound sorrow I have received your excellency’s message
communicating to my government the sad news of the unexpected death
in Washington on yesterday of the most Excellent Secretary of State
John Hay. I beg your excellency to be so kind as to transmit to the
United States Government expressions of sincere sorrow on the part
of the Government of Honduras for this unfortunate occurrence, at
the same time expressing to your excellency our profound grief, I
subscribe myself with the most distinguished consideration,
Your excellency’s obedient servant,