Minister Dawson to
the Secretary of State.
American Legation,
Domingo, March 7,
No. 119.]
Sir: Referring to your No. 46, of February
6,a transmitting my
full powers for the negotiations and signature of the protocol of
February 7, I have the honor to report that I exhibited them to the
Dominican commissioners, who transmitted them to the President of this
Republic. They were found in good form and subsequently returned to me
and will be kept in the files of the legation.
At the same time the Dominican commissioners exhibited to me their full
powers. A faithful copy and translation thereof are herewith inclosed
and the original will be transmitted if desired by the Department. The
minister of foreign affairs informs me that he would prefer to have the
original full powers returned to him, to be kept in his department’s
files, unless you desire otherwise.
I also inclose a copy of my note to the minister confirming the
production and exchange of our respective powers.
I have, etc.,
[Inclosure 1.—Translation.]
Carlos F. Morales L., constitutional President of the Dominican
To all to whom these presents
shall come, greeting:
Having full confidence in the prudence and ability of the citizens
Juan Francisco Sanchez, minister of foreign affairs, and Federico
Velasquez H., minister of treasury and commerce, I have invested
them with full powers and sufficient authority, so that in the name
of and in representing the Dominican Republic they may arrange and
conclude with the representative of the United States of America,
Mr. Thomas C. Dawson, minister resident and consul-general of that
Republic, who has been invested with like powers, a protocol for the
collection of the receipts of our custom-houses and the payment of
all the debts of the Dominican Republic by the Government of the
United States of America.
The protocol that is to be signed will be subject for its validity to
the approbation of the National Congress.
Given and signed, sealed with the great
seal of the nation, in the city of Santo
Domingo, the 6th day of the month of February of 1905,
sixty-first year of independence, and forty-second of the
Morales L.
[Inclosure 2.]
Minister Dawson
to General Sanchez.
Hmerican Legation,
Domingo, March 4,
Mr. Minister: I have the honor hereby
formally to confirm the production and exchange of the full powers
of your excellency and His Excellency Federico Velasquez H.,
minister of finance, and of myself as plenipotentiaries accredited
by the chiefs of our respective governments for the negotiation and
conclusion of the protocol signed February 7, 1905. They were found
in good and due form.
I improve, etc.,