Minister Squiers to the Secretary of State.

No. 1228.]

Sir: Referring to Department instructions No. 481, of March 10, 1905, regarding contract for sewering and paving Habana, I have the honor to say that in accordance with such instructions the matter was immediately brought to the attention of the Cuban Government.

Copy of my note and translation of Cuban Government’s reply are inclosed herewith. * * *

I am, etc.,

H. G. Squiers.
[Inclosure 1.]

Minister Squiers to the Secretary of State and Justice.

Your Excellency: Acting under particular instructions from my government I have the honor to state to your excellency that the people of the United States * * * between the two governments. (Quoted from instruction No. 481, March 10, 1905. Printed ante.) * * *

[Page 272]

I inclose copy of a brief for the use of your excellency’s government, prepared by R. Floyd Clarke, attorney for the McGivney & Rokeby Construction Company, and take this occasion to reiterate to your excellency the assurance, etc.

H. G. Squiers.
[Inclosure 2.—Translation.]

The Secretary of State and Justice to Minister Squiers.

No. 208.]

Mr. Minister: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your excellency’s polite note, No. 647, of the 31st of last March, relative to the sanitation of the cities of the Republic and especially that of the city of Habana.

I shall inform the President of the indication contained in the said note and in due time it will be a pleasure to me to communicate to your excellency the decision which may be adopted in this subject.

I take advantage, etc.,

Juan F. O’Farrill.