Chargé Snyder to the Secretary of State.

No. 90.]


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I have the honor to inform you that in the past week, largely due to the personal efforts of the minister for foreign affairs, all matters at issue between the Cartagena companies and the Colombian Government were finally settled.

While the decree of the minister of finance regarding the non-receipt of the vales de extranjeros was revoked, as reported in my No. 78 of August 3, 1905, many inconveniences were put in the way of these companies by the customs officials of Cartagena and Barran-quilla until an explicit order was sent from the ministry for foreign affairs that they cease.

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Likewise, on the 7th instant, the last payment, then two months past due, was made by the government on the contract entered into about a year ago between said companies and the Colombian Government, through this legation, for the payment, in monthly installments, of the sum of $50,000, due said companies for services rendered the government during the last revolution.

I am, etc.,

Alban G. Snyder.