Chargé Snyder to the Acting Secretary of State.
Bogotá, July 5, 1905.
Sir: In view of the past relations which have existed between Colombia and the United States, it has occurred to me that it might be of interest to the Department and those most concerned to have the testimonials received at this legation upon the death of the Hon. John Hay, [Page 11] Secretary of State. I therefore have the honor to forward same herewith.
The news of his death was received everywhere, both in governmental and foreign circles, with profound sorrow, and the flags in the ministry for foreign affairs, presidential palace, and British legation were flown at half-mast for three days out of respect for our dead statesman.
Although all social functions were stopped, nevertheless the legation was besieged yesterday by a host of callers, all desirous of expressing their sympathy for the great loss our government had sustained in one who, by his sterling qualities, far-sightedness, and patriotism, had placed the American nation, diplomatically, among the foremost nations of the world.
I am, etc.,