Minister Rockhill to the Secretary of State.

No. 130.]

Sir: Referring to my dispatch No. 116 of October 5, 1905, informing you that I had effected an agreement with the French minister for the reciprocal protection of trade-marks in China, I now have the honor to inform you that on October 23 I effected a similar agreement with the minister of The Netherlands.

I have the honor to inclose herewith copies of the notes exchanged with the minister of The Netherlands.

I have, etc.,

W. W. Rockhill.
[Inclosure 1.]

Minister Rockhill to the Netherlands Minister.

Mr. Minister and Dear Colleague: The Government of the United States being desirous of reaching an understanding with the Government of The Netherlands for the reciprocal protection against infringement in China by citizens of our respective nations of trade-marks duly registered in the United States and The Netherlands, I am authorized by the Secretary of State of the United States to inform you that effectual provision exists in American consular courts in China for the trial and punishment of all persons subject to the jurisdiction of the United States who may be charged with and found guilty of infringing in any way trademarks of persons subject to the jurisdiction of The Netherlands which have been duly registered in the United States.

I beg that you will kindly inform me whether American citizens are entitled to the same legal remedies in the consular courts of The Netherlands in China as regards the protection from infringement of their trade-marks duly registered in The Netherlands.

I have, etc.,

W. W. Rockhill.
[Inclosure 2.—Translation.]

The Netherlands Minister to Minister Rockhill.

Mr. Minister and Dear Colleague: Under date of the 23d of October, 1905, your excellency was pleased to inform me by your note that the Government of the United States of America was desirous of reaching an agreement with the Government of The Netherlands concerning the reciprocal protection of trade-marks in China. You added that you had been authorized to declare that the American consular courts in China had jurisdiction in all matters concerning the infringement of trade-marks by persons under the jurisdiction of the United States, and that consequently complaints made by any person subject to the jurisdiction of the consular courts of The Netherlands in China to an American consular court for the purpose of securing from persons subject to the jurisdiction of the United States protection for trade-marks duly registered in the United States of America, who would be tried before said courts in first instance and on appeal by the competent courts.

In reply to this communication I have the honor to inform your excellency that my government accepts with pleasure the above agreement and has directed me to do so by the present note.

The minister of foreign affairs at The Hague has furthermore authorized me to state on my part that the laws of The Netherlands protect duly registered trade-marks regardless of the nationality of their owner, and that not only when infringements have been committed in the country itself, but when they have been committed in a country subject to exterritoriality, as in China.

Consequently the consular courts of The Netherlands in China will take cognizance in first instance and the courts of justice in Amsterdam and Batavia on appeal of any complaints made to them on this subject by persons subject to the jurisdiction of the United States.

[Page 173]

I avail myself of this opportunity to add that for the object of putting the above agreement into effect I have written to the consular officials of The Netherlands in China, giving them the necessary instructions, and I would be pleased if you would inform me what action you have taken to this end.

I avail, etc.,

A. J. Citters.