Chargé Ames to the Secretary of State.

No. 453.]

Sir: Referring to previous correspondence, concerning proposed legislation for regularizing the registration of trade-marks in Chile, I have the honor to inclose herewith copy and translation of a law promulgated on August 12 last, but only just published in the Diario Oficial, which insures the validity of trade-marks already or hereafter registered in this Republic.

I have, etc.,

Edward Winslow Ames.

Law No. 1749

Whereas the National Congress has given its approval to the following bill:

Only article. The registrations of trade and commercial marks made in accordance with the provisions of the law of November 12, 1874, are declared valid, even during the period since the law of December 22, 1891, went into force till the promulgation of the present law.

“Registrations of marks will in future be governed by the law referred to of November 12, 1874.

“Clause 7 of article 26 of the law of December 22, 1891, relative to trade and commercial marks, is repealed.”

And whereas, after having heard the council of state, I have considered it convenient to approve and sanction it, therefore let it be promulgated and carried out as law of the Republic.

  • Jerman Riesco.
  • E. Villeagas.