Ambassador Thompson to the Secretary of State.

No. 48.]

Sir: In addition to the information transmitted to the Department in my dispatch, No. 47, of the 18th instant, I inclose herewith a translation of a note just received from the foreign office, saying that the flag similar to that of the United States which has been carried by the Brazilian schooner Oliveira has been retired.

I have, etc.,

D. E. Thompson.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs to Ambassador Thompson.

Mr. Ambassador: I have the honor to communicate to your excellency, in addition to my note of the 14th instant, that, according to the report of the port captain of the State of Bahia to the minister of marine, the ensign similar to that of the United States of America which the Brazilian schooner Oliveira has been carrying has already been retired.

I improve, etc.,

Rio Branco.