Exhibit No. 4.
[Mexico, November 29,
Ministerio de hacienda. Section 2. Num. 2803. T. Núm. 5346. Dada
cuenta al Escmo. Sr. presidente sustitute con el ofico de V.SS. núm.
201 de 17 del que rige en que consultan si al venderse las haciendas
[Page 410]
de Ciénaga del Pastor
y San Agustin de los Amoles, pertenecientes al fondo piadoso de
Californias, se tuvo presente el valor de los
llenos, ecsisteneia deudas y mejoras; se ha servido acordar
S.E. diga á V.SS. en contestacion, como lo verifico, que teniendo en
consideration el supremo gobierno que se computaron los llenos de
las haciendas referidas para apreciar sus arrendamientos, á los que
se acomodó el preci ó valor contenido en el contrato celebrado con
los liquidatarios y demas socios de la estinguida empresa del
tobaco, para la venta de las fincas espresadas, cuya aprobaeion
comunique a V.SS. bajo el núm. 2711, en 25 del último Octubre, no se
insiste en que sean pagados por separado. En consecuencia dispone
S.E. se admita la propuesta que han hecho los
interesados verbalmente, reducida á ecshibir tres mil pososen el
ceto, y con calidad de que si los llenos aparecieren
pertenecer á tercera persona, será de cuenta de los mismos su
devolusion ó contenta, sin que esta incluy responsabilidad alguna
que tenga que cubrir el gobierno. De suprema órden lo comunico à
V.SS. para su intelegencia, y que desde luego se proceda à otorgar
la correspondiente escritura de enagenacion. Dios y Libertad.
México, Noviembre 23 de 1842. Trigueros.
Señores encargados de la tesoreria general. Noviembre 24. Seccion de
créditos. Rubricado por el Sr. Fagoaga. En esta fecha y en protocolo
de esta tesorería general otorgaron los Señores ministros la
escritura de venta prevenida. México, Noviembre 29 de 1842. Ramon Villalobos. |
Department of finance (hacienda Section second, number two
thousand eight hundred and three. T. Number five thousand three
hundred and forty-six. His excellency the provisional president
having been notified by the letter of your excellencies, No. 201 of
17 instant, in which you discuss as to whether or not account was
taken of the utensils (llenos), stock, debts, and improvements of
the hacienda Ciénega del Pastor and San Augustin de los Amoles
belonging to the Pious Fund of Californias at the time of their
sale, his excellency has seen fit to say in reply to your honors, to
which I attest, that inasmuch as the supreme Government took into
consideration the farming utensils (llenos) on the said estates in
order to determine their rents, by means of which the price of value
contained in the contract made with the liquidators of the extinct
tobacco monopoly for the sale of the aforesaid estates was computed,
the approval of which contract I communicated to your honors under
number 2711 on the 25th of October last, it is not required that the
utensils be paid for separately. Therefore his excellency orders the
acceptance of the proposal made verbally by the parties interested,
provided three thousand dollars be paid down, and with the
understanding that should the utensils (llenos) thereon belong to a
third party it will be the duty of the purchasers to restore the
same or give satisfaction, relieving the Government from all
responsibility. By supreme order I communicate the same to your
honors for your information and that you may forthwith proceed to
execute the corresponding deed of sale. God and liberty. Mexico,
November 23, 1842. Trigueros gentlemen in charge of the general
treasury. November 24, department of credits. Signed by Señor
Fagoaga. On this day and in the record of this general treassury the
ministers executed the deed of sale aforesaid. Mexico, November 29, 1842. Ramon Villalobos. |
Before the arbitral court under the Hague Convention in the case of The United States of America (on behalf of the R. C. Church of Upper California) against the Republic of Mexico. For identification:
John T. Doyle.
Exhibit No. 4 to the deposition of John T. Doyle.
Jas. T. O’Keefe,
Notary, Public.
Notary, Public.