Proof of succession of the Rt. Rev. George Montgomery, R. C. Bishop of Monterey.
[Stat. 1852, p. 168, Civ. Code, sec. 602.]
[42] [Proof of succession of the Rt. Rev. George Montgomery, R. C. Bishop of Monterey]
State of California,
County of Los Angeles, ss:
County of Los Angeles, ss:
[45] pius p. p. ix.
Datus Romae, apud Sanctum
Petrum sub Annulo Piscatoris die XX Maii MDCCCLXXIII Pontificatus Nostri anno
vicesimo septimo.
[46] pope pious ix.
Given at Rome, at St.
Peter’s, under the seal of the fisherman’s ring, on the 20th day of
May, 1873, the 27th year of our pontificate.
[48] Exhibit A.
Datum Romae apud S.
Petrum sub annulo Piscatoris die XXVI Januari MDCCCXCIV. Pontificatus Nostri
Anno Decimosexto.
[49] Exhibit B.
Given at Rome at St.
Peter’s, under the seal of the fisherman, on the twenty-sixth
day of January, in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and
ninety-four and of our pontificate the sixteenth.
[50] Exhibit C.
Datum Romae aqud Sanctum Petrum Sub Annulo
Piscatoris die VI
Pontificatus Nostro Anno Decimonono.
Pontificatus Nostro Anno Decimonono.
[51] Exhibit D.
Given at St.
Peter’s, Rome, under the seal of the fisherman, on
the sixth day
of May, in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and ninety-six and
of our pontificate the nineteenth.