Exhibit No. 5.

[Page 414][Page 419]
Peticiones que ha hecho al Supremo Gobierno el Y. Sr. Obispo de Californias en su nota de 7 del corriente y carta particular de la misma fecha. petitions which were made to the supreme government by the bishop of californias in his note of the 7th of the present month and in a private letter of the same date.
Desde que se quitaron á los misioneros las temporalidades que ellos mismos crearon y aumentaron, con su trabajo personal y sus sinodos, entraron á disfrutar los bienes de las, misiones los seculares y sus familias y entre el los algunos que no conozco á quienes no se podia fiar ni aun una pequena cantidad. Ya se deja entender la ruina de tales bienes en semejantes manos. En el ministerio de V. E. deben exister los reclamos, que sobre eso tengo hechos, y por los que el congreso general dio una ley suspensiva de la que mandaba la secularization de misiones, la que hasta ahora segun entiendo no se ha cumplido quizas por justas considerations del gobierno. En posteriores reclamos que hice en el año treinta y seis, informé al Supremo Gobierno de los males que los misioneros padecen y entre ellos no es el menor, qui los administradores de la misiones se apoderaron de las casas en que vivian los padres; unas casas fabricadas por los religiosos, y en cuya construction invirtieron los sinodos que percibian y el trabajo de sus manos. Se han visto reducidos a vivir allí como arruinados y con bastante incomodidad [Page 412] como yo mismo lo ví. Tienen en la misma habitacion á unas gentes que en muchas noches no los dejan descanzar por las embriagueses, juegos óbailes que con escandalo estan presenciando los neo fitos! Vida insufrible ciertamente! Vida amarguisimapara unos religiosos recoletos, y tanto que muchos de ellos han pensado abandonar las misiones, y retirarse á butscar la tranquilidad y paz de sus espiritus! Vida penosa que ha retraido y retrae à muchos de ir á las misiones por no exponere á tantos padecimentos y desprecios de su caracter! Mas no se crea por esto que quiero se lleve á efecto la entregada de las temporalidades á los religiosos. Sé muy bien y aun lo tengo dicho al gobierno que dentro de breve tiempo ya no nabra nada de los bienes que tenian aquellas opulentas misiones los que recibieron los administradores cuando los padres las entregaron. Lo que quiero es que para las misiones nuevas que se vayan estableciendo, se tomen medidas legislativas para que no se repitan las graves desordenes. De otro modo, Que padre misionero habrá que quiera trabajar por aumentar los bienes de los Yndios infelices si sabe por experieneia que se les han de quitar á sus legitimos dueños, y se han de entregar á otros para que los disfruten, roben, y tiren sin haberles costado ningun trabajo? Cual será el religioso que quiera hacer casa ni plantar huerta para su recreo y sueomodidad, si ha visto que con la moyor injusticia se las quitan, y entran á poseerlas hombres que antes se socorrian con limosnas por los mismos misioneros y que repentinamente se mudan los Señores y tienen los infelices padres que vivir á sus espensas? En lo que insisto é insistiré siempres es, en que queden á los misioneros las casas y huertas que ellos ó sus antecesores hicieron que estan contiguas a las iglesias y con inmediata comunicacion [Page 413] á ellas. Los administradores (como que tienen á su disposicion á los Yndios y los intereses de las misiones) pueden hacer casa para elles, y dejar á los padres quietos y en paz. Esta medida la juzeo tan necesaria que sino se toma no tabra quien quiera ir á servir las misiones, yo desde ahora lo prevengo al Supremo Gobierno; y si para los misioneros es una medida tan necesaria, que se debe decir con respecto al Obispo? Esto será une cosa bien dura que mientras puede edificar su casa, no tenga en donde recogerse con su familia ni en donde poner sus estudiantes y ministros, ni en donde dar principio á su seminario? Por esto pues suplico al Supremo Gobierno. Since there has been taken from the missionaries the properties which they established and increased by their personal la bors and with their allowances, the secular and their families have begun to enjoy the properties of the missions, and among them some I am not acquainted with and who could not be trusted with even the smallest amount. Already the ruin of the properties has begun in such hands. In the department of your excellency there must be the reclamations which I have made, and for which the General Congress made a law suspending that which ordered the secularization of the missions, which up to this time, as I understand, has not been carried out, perhaps through just considerations of the Government. In the later reclamation which I made in the year 1836, I informed the Supreme Government of the injuries suffered by the missionaries, and not the least of them was that the administrators of the missions took possession of the houses in which the fathers were living; some houses having been built by the religious, and in whose construction were applied the allowances which they received and the work of their own hands. They were compelled to live in them as ruined and with great inconveniences as, I myself saw. There were in the same building some persons who, many nights, would not allow them to rest for their drunkenness, games, and dances in which the neophytes scandalously indulge! A life most distressing for religious recluses; indeed, so very distressing that many of them have thought of abandoning the missions and retiring in search of tranquility and peace of spirit! This painful life has dissuaded and does dissuade many from going to the missions, not wishing to expose themselves to such abuses and depreciations! But it must not be thought by this that I wish to cause the transfer of the properties to the religious. I know very well, and yet I have told the Government that within a short time there will remain nothing of the properties which belonged to those such missions and which were received by the administrators when the fathers turned them over. What I wish is that for the new missions which are about to be established legislative measures be taken to prevent the repetition of such serious disorders. Otherwise, what missionary father is there who wants to labor to increase the properties of the unfortunate Indians if he knows by experience that they are to be taken from their legitimate owners and are to be delivered to others to enjoy, plunder, and waste without having cost them any exertion? Where could be found the religious who would wish to erect a house or plant a garden for his diversion and convenience, if he has seen them taken from him with the greatest injustice and men entering into their possession who had formerly been aided with alms by the same missionaries, and suddenly the superiors are changed and the unfortunate fathers have to live at their own expense. What I insist on and always will insist is that there shall belong to the missionaries the houses and gardens they or their predecessors made which are contiguous to the churches and immediately communicating with them. The administrators (inasmuch as they have under their control the Indians and the interests of the missions) can build a house for them, and leave the fathers in quiet and peace. This measure I consider so necessary that unless it be taken there will be no one to go to serve the missions, of which fact I now warn the supreme Government; and if this measure be so necessary for the missionaries, what should be said with regard to the bishop? Would it not indeed be a hardship if while he might build his house he would have no place in which to bring his family nor in which to place his students and ministers, nor in which to start his seminary? Therefore I petition the supreme Government:
1°. Que se da una orden (la misma que yo llevaré) para que se entreguen á los misioneros las casas y huertas de las misiones, y que la de San Diego ó la de San Luis Rey sea ocupada interinamente por el obispo y sus familiares juntamente con el padre misionero, hasta que el obispo pueda hacer su casa episcopal y el edificio para su seminario. 1st. That an order be given (the same as I shall deliver) that the houses and gardens of the missions be delivered to the missionaries, and that that of San Diego or that of San Luis King be occupied temporarily by the bishop and his associates, together with the father missionary, until the diocese can erect its episcopal house and the building-for its seminary.
2°. Los administradores niegan por lo regular los servicios de los Yndios á los padres, y esto aun pagandoles lo justo. Esto exige otra disposicion del Supremo Gobierno para que se me franqueen sirvientes con sus salarios equitativos y no arbitrarios. Juntamente suplico se me dé el terreno para edicif ar mi iglesia, mi casa y mi seminario. 2nd. The directors commonly withheld the services of the Indians from the fathers, even though they paid them a just compensation. This necessitates another arrangement on the part of the Supreme Government in order that servants may be allowed me with equitable and not arbitrary salaries. At the same time I pray that land be allowed me in order that I may build my church, my house, and my seminary.
3°. Bien sabe el Supremo Gobierno que no tengo en mi obispado mas eclesiasticos que los religiosos Fernandinos, Zacaltecanos y Dominicos de esta Provincia de Mexico, y si los prelados de estas corporaciones nos quitan a sus subditos las gracias que por misioneros tienen en su or den., y esta medida influiria mucho para que aquellos vinieron y para que otros no vayan á las misiones, y debe extraerles la consideracion de que los sacrificios que hacen le son inutiles en su religion. Vengo pues al Supremo Gobierno que oficio al Reverendo Padre Provincial para que no se haga innovacion alguna y que sigan los misioneros lo mismo que estan hasta que el obispo tenga clerigos que puedan ocupar su lugar, y ellos puedan dedicarse á las conversiones vivaces. Quiero ademas que el Gobierno me recomiende con los Reverendos Padres Guardianes de Guadalupe de Zacatecas y San Fernando para que me auxilien con religiosos, y que si algunos me quieren acompanar no se les impida. 3d. The Supreme Government well knows that I have not in my bishopric other priests than the Franciscans, Zacaltecans, and Dominicans of this province of Mexico, and if the prelates of these orders deprive us of the privileges which their brethren have as missionaries in their orders, this measure would be of great influence, so that the latter might not and others would not come to the missions, and that the considerations that the sacrifices which they make are of no avail in their order ought to be removed from them, I appeal further to the Supreme Government that it may intervene with the reverend fathers provincial in order that no change be made and that the missionaries pursue their present course until the bishop may have priests who can take their places and the former may apply themselves to new conversions. Furthermore, I wish that the Government would aid me with the reverend father superiors of Guadelupe de Zacatecas and San Fernando in order that they may aid me with priests, and that if any wish to accompany me they be not hindered.
4°. El Supremo Gobierno pidió al Santo Padre por conducto de nuestro enviado á Roma, que se me concediera llevar á mi obispado á cuantos sacerdotes quisieran accompañarme y fueran de mi aprobaeion sin que sus respectivos prelados pudieran estorbarlo. Tal facultad no vino entre las que tengo en mi poder. Quisiera por tanto que se le reclamara al Señor Montaya sobre el particular y en el entretanto que Gobierno se interesara con los prelados, cuando alguno, ya sea del clero secular ó regular le escriba que quiere acompanarme y yo diga al mismo Gobierno que es de mi aprobaeion. 4th. That the supreme Government ask of the Holy Father, by means of our envoy to Rome, that I be allowed to receive in my bishopric as many priests as wish to accompany me as I may approve without their respective superiors being able to prevent it. Such power does not come within those which I possess. I desire therefore that a demand be made of Señor Montaya on this particular point and that in the meantime the Government interest itself in those priests, when any of them, secular or regular, who writes that he wishes to accompany me and I notify the Government of my approbation.
5°. Como una de mis principales miras debe ser la convercion de [Page 415] los gentiles y propagation de la fé, es indespensable pue tenga operation para el logro de mis deses. Los colegios aprobados de la republica estan acabando, excepto el de Guadelupe y de Zacatecas, y apenas podrá cubrir las diez misiones de que se tiene cargo. Creo pues de necesidad que me conceda liciencia para fundar en mi obispado colegio de misioneros para que estos sigan formando nuevas misiones ó pueblos, y suplico al Gobierno que por conducto de nuestro enviado á Roma impetre del Santo Padre pueda yo proceder á la fundacion aunque sea con un solo religioso para que este de habitos y propriones á los que quieran dedicase á la importantisima conversion de gentiles. Ygualmente suplico se me dé para local de este colegio la isla llamada de los Angeles ú otro terreno aproposito. 5th. Since one of nry principal objects ought to be the conversion of the heathen and the propagation of the faith, it is necessary that 1 may have the necessary assistance to succeed in my desires. The colleges approved by the Republic are falling off, except that of Guadelupe and Zacatecas, and that can scarcely take care of the ten missions which it has in its charge. I think, therefore, that it is necessarjr that license be granted me to found in my bishopric a college of missionaries, in order that they may continue founding new missions or villages, and I pray the Government that by means of our envoy to Rome it intercede with our Holy Father that I may be allowed to proceed with this foundation, although it be with but one priest, so that he may afford an example to those who wish to devote themselves to the most important conversion of the heathen. Likewise I pray that there be given mo for the site of this college Angel Island, or another suitable place.
6°. Las niñas en general han carecido de education y de eseñanza para que sean utiles á la sociedad: quiero pues fundar en el lugar de mi residencia un colegio de educandas, para el que tambien necesito terreno suficiente. 6th. The girls in general have lacked the education and learning that would make them beneficial to society; I wish, therefore, to found in the neighberhood of my residence a school for girls, and fcr this, also, there is need for sufficient land.
7°. Por una anomalia que no entiendo se ha estado cobrando ne mi obispado los diezmos por parte del Gobierno civil de Sonora. Debe pues prohibirse esto á aquellas autoridades para que queden los fieles libres para darlos á la Yglesia en lo sucesivo, lo que aunque paucos ayundarán á los grandes proyectos de publicabeneficencia que tengo formados. 7th. By some disobedience of rules, which I do not understand, tithes have been collected in my bishopric by the government of Sonora. This ought to be forbidden those authorities, in order that the faithful may be free to give them to the church in the future, and which, although small, will be of assistance to the great projects of public welfare which I have formed.
8°. El Gobierno gravó al Fondo Piadoso de mi Yglesia con un prestamo que hizo el Señor Teren de sesenta mil pesos el ruinoso lucro de dos por ciento mensuales, se comprometió el Gobierno á abanar dos cientos y mas pesos diarios (segun estoy informadó) [Page 416] para estinguir esta deuda ominosa. Cumplió este promiso por un poco de tiempo y despues lo ha dejado al cargo del Fondo quien por no perder su capital arnenazado por las mismas condiciones del prestamo ha estado haciendo sacrifios asi para amortizar la deuda como para pagar los reditos mensuales. En tales circunstancias se halla dicho Fondo sin arbitrios para dar los sinodos á los misioneros cuyos libramientos tiene pendientes y sin poderme ayudar á mi en los gastos que debo hacer para marchar á mi diocesis, los que son muchos como no se oculta á la penetracion de V.E. Es pues justicia que pido el que se arbitre algunos medios por el Gobierno para cubrir cuanto antes la deuda del Señor Teran para que quede libre el Fondo. 8th. The Government has burdened the Pious Fund of my church with a loan which Señor Teran made of $60,000 with the ruinous interest of 2 per cent per month. The Government promised to pay daily installments of 200 odd dollars (as I am informed) in order to extinguish this threatening debt. It fulfilled this promise for a short time and afterwards left it to the charge of the fund, which, in order that it may not lose its capital by the very terms of the loan, has been making sacrifices not only that it may extinguish the debt, but also pay the monthly interests. Said fundisinthesecircumstances without means of paying the salaries of the missionaries whose drafts it has outstanding, and without being able to help me in the expenses which I ought to incur to my diocese, which are great, as is not unknown to your excellency. In justice, therefore, I ask that some means betaken by the Government to discharge, as soon as possible, the debt of Señor Teran, in order that the fund may remain unincumbered.
En mi oficio se me pasó decir que deseo poner mis edificios, ó mas bien fundar una poblacion en un xancho que se halla f rente de San Diego asi por la comodidad que presenta de agua, de leña; como por no estar litoral y espuesto á la invasion de algun pirata. Es ademas de muy buen temperamento. Si el Gobierno quisiera poner alli alguna fuérza militar seria de suma importancia para la comunicacion con Senora, pues contendria a los Yndios del Rio Colorado, y tambien seria muy al caso para intentar la reduccion de estos probrecitos y on felicidad espiritual y temporal. Estoy persuadido que con esta medida se facilitaria la comunicacion con el interior de nuestra republica, y el Gobierno tendria mas frecuentes noticias de aquel departamerito. In my official letter I forgot to say that I wish to erect my buildings, or rather to establish my settlement, on a ranch which is situated opposite to San Diego, not only on account of the supply of water and wood which it affords, but also because it is not near the coast and exposed to the invasion of any pirate. Besides, it has a very good climate. If the Government should desire to place a military force there, it would be of the greatest importance in communicating withSonora, becauseit would be a check to the Indians of the Colorado River, and also it would be material in the reduction of those unfortunates and to their spiritual and temporal welfare. I am persuaded that by this means the communication with the interior of our Republic would be facilitated and that Government would have more frequent advices from that region.
Nov. 17 de 1840. El Exmo. Presidente se ha servido proveer de conf ormidad con todo lo pedido por el Reverendo obispado de Californias en esta nota hasta donde alcanzan las atribuciones de S. E. [Page 417] y da lugar el decreto del congreso de 7 de Nov. de 1835, que mando reponer las misiones á su antiguo stado; á cuyo fin se estenderá orden general al Señor Gobernador de Californias, para que por medio de las autoridades subalternas se restituya sin dilation ni embarazos á los Padres Misioneros las posesiones y bienes que usaban bajo su administracion para la conversion de los infieles, y esa y las demas ordenes que ban de espedirse en obsequio de la petition del Reverendo Obispo se pondran en mano de S. Y. para su meior exito, y se le dará otra orden, á fin de que el Señor Gobernador le auxilie en cuanto importe á la fundaeion del obispado. Y por lo toea á los terrenos de que no esté ó hayan estado en posesion de las misiones librese oficio á la Junta Directiva del (Ramo?) á fin de que acuerde con S. Y. hasta dondo pueda su notoria piedad lo que mas facilite sus peticiones; y en lo que no alcanzan los arbitrios del (Ramo?) le manifiesta al Gobierno para que se inicie al Poder Legislativo á se provea como haya lugar en derecho: y contestese con este decreto al Reverendo Obispo. Nov. 17/1840. His Excellency the President has seen fit to grant everything which has been asked by the reverend bishop of the Californias in his note as far as his excellency’s powers extend, and he is permitted by the decree of Congress of the 7th of November, 1835, which ordered that the missions be restored to their old standing, to which end a general order will be transmitted to the governor of the Californias in order that by means of the subordinate authorities the possessions and properties which they were accustomed to use under their administration for the conversion of the heathen be restored to the missionary fathers without delay or hindrance, and this and the other orders which are to be given in accordance with the petition of the reverend bishop shall be placed in your excellency’s hands in order that it may be better carried dut, and another order will be given you to the end that the governor may aid you as much as may be necessary in the foundation of the bishopric, and that he may give an order to the directive board of the department with respect to the lands of which the missions are not or may not have been in possession, to the end that it may agree with your highness in so far as his well-known piety may be able to further your desires, and concerning that to which the powers of the department do not extend he may make it known to the Government in order that the legislative authority may be properly invoked and answer the reverend bishop with this decree.
Es copia. Mexico, Nov. 21 de 1840. A copy. Mexico, November 21, 1840.
(Firmado) Y. Yturbide. (Signed) Y. Yturbide.
Mexico, Oct. 8 de 1852. Conforme. Mexico, Oct. 8, 1852. Compared.
[sello.] José M. Duran. [seal.] José María Duran.
(A stamp of one real, 1852–1853.) (Sella cuarto un real 1852, 1853.)
Office of the U. S. Surveyor-General for California.
1, surveyor-general of the United States for the State of California, [Page 418] and as such, having in my office and in my charge and custody a portion of the archives of the former Spanish and Mexican Territory or Department of Upper California, as also the papers of the late board of commissioners to ascertain and settle the private land claims in California, by virtue of the powers vested in me by law, do hereby certify that the seven preceding and hereunto annexed leaves, numbered from one to seven, inclusive, and written on one side only, exhibit a true, full and correct copy of the original “Exhibit No. 1, P. L., annexed to deposition of José Miguel Gomez, Dec. 29, 1854. Joseph S. Alemany. Lands of the Catholic Church (C.) filed in office Dec. 29, 1854. Geo. Fisher, Recorder in Rec. of Evid., Vol. 18, p. 571 to 574,” and also “Exhibit No. 2, P. L., annexed to deposition of José Miguel Gomez, Dec. 29, 1854. Joseph S. Alemany. Lands of the Catholic Church. Filed in office Dec. 29, 1854. Geo. Fisher, Recorder in Record of Evidence, Vol. 18, pp. 775 and 779,” and now on file in this office and in my custody; that I have carefully compared the same with said originals, and that the same are a correct transcript therefrom and of the whole of such originals.
In testimony whereof I have hereunto signed my name officially and caused my seal of office to be affixed at the city of San Francisco, this twenty-fifth day of August, 1902.
W. S. Graham,
U. S. Surveyor-General for California.
Seal surveyor-general’s office, California.
(Endorsed on back): Exhibit No. 5 to the deposition of John T. Doyle. Jas. T. O’Keefe, notary public. For identification: John T. Doyle.
El infrascrito oficial major del Ministerio de Eielationes Certifica: ser autentica la firma que antecede (de) del Sr. D. José Ma. Duran official mayor del Ministerio de Justia. The undersigned, chief clerk of the department of foreign relations, certifies that the foregoing seal of Don José Maria Duran, chief clerk of the department of justice, is authentic.
Mexico, Octubre 8 de 1852.
J. Miguel Arroyo.
Mexico, October 8, 1852.
J. Miguel Arroyo.
Ministerio de la interior. Department of the interior.
Ylmo. Sor: Dada cuenta al E. S. Presidte con el oficio de V. S. Y. cle 7 del corriente é impuesto de todo cuanto en él expone con el objeto de dar lleno á sus graves onligaciones como obispo de Californias, se ha servido proveer de conformidad con todo lo pedido en el citado oficio y con lo que tambien solicitó en carta separada de igual fecha hta. donde el alcanzan las atribuciones de S. E. y dá lugar el decreeo del congreso grāl de 7 de Novb. de 835 que dispuso se mantubieran las misiones en el estado que tenian antes de la Ley de 17 de Agosto de 1833 á cuyo fin se libra orden por este Ministo. al E. S. Gobr. de Californias para que por medio de las autoridades subalternas se restituya sin dilaciones ni embarazos á los Padres Misioneros las posesiones y bienes Hue estaban bajo su administracion para la conversion de los infieles.
Y lo digo á V. S. Y. en contestation.
Dios y Lihertad, Mexico.
Novb. 17 de 1840.lb/>Marin. (Rúbrica.)
Y. S. Obispo de Californias.
Esteemed Sir: Information having been given to His Excellency the President by the official letter of your highness of the 7th instant, and taking into account all that is expressed in it with a view to accomplishing your weighty obligations as bishop of the Calif ornias, he has been pleased to concur with all that is asked in the said letter, as well as with that which was asked in a separate letter of the same date, as far as his power extends, and as he is authorized by the decree of the General Congress of the 7th of November, 1835, which ordered that the missions be continued in the state which they had before the law of the 17th of August, 1833, to which end an order has been made by this department to his excellency the governor of the Californias, so that by means of the inferior authorities he may restore without any delays or hindrances to the missionary fathers the possessions and properties which were under their administration for the conversion of the heathen. And I say this to your excellency by way of answer.
God and liberty, Mexico.
November 17, 1840.
(Rubric.) Marin.
His Excellency the Bishop of the Californias.
A pedimento del Señor Obispo de Calif ornias, certifico por la presente quo la firma agreda á este documento es la del Ministro del Interior, de aquella época del [Page 420] Señor Marin segun me consta por otros documentos oficiales, que he visto de dieho Señor. At the request of the bishop of the Californias I certify by these presents that the seal attached to this document is that of the minister of the interior of that time, Senor Marin, as appears to me by other official documents, which I have seen of said officer.
San Francisco, Diciembre 20, 1851.
[Rúbrica] W. Schleiden,
Vice-Consul de la Mepublica Mejicana en San Francisco.
San Francisco, December 20, 1851.
W. Schleiden (Rubric),
Vice-Consul of the Mexican Republic in San Francisco.
(Sello. Viceconsulado de la Republica Mejicana en San Francisco.) [Seal vice-consulate of the Mexican Republic in San Francisco.]