Exhibit No. 2.a
[Mexico, September 29,
Ministerio de Justicia y Negocios Eclesiásticos. | Department of Justice and of Church Affairs. |
I. S.: Se habia. demorado la contestation debida á la nota que S. S. I. dirigió á este Ministerio en 26 de Julio último relativa á que fuesen auxiliadas las miciones del Obispado de Monterrey con los bienes que los fundadores del fondo piadoso de Californias dejaron segun se dice para atender a la convercion de infieles de aquel pais por que era preciso reunir [Page 407] antecedentes é inspeccionar antiguos documentos quediesen la luz necessaria para la resolucion justa y conveniente de este negoeio; mas habiendose esto verificado ya y resultando que las cuantiosas donaciones que formaban aquel fondo no tenian por objeto el esclusivo de atender á las miciones de California sino á la conversion de infieles en la America Septentrional a eleccion (faltando en cualquier caso a quellas miciones de personas determinadas en las fundacion) y á las que ha succedido el Gobierno ne la República por el patronato que le compete en esta elacedebienes; S. A. el. Sr. Presidente no puede conceder derechos en los bienes del fondo ya mencionado á la Iglesia de la Alta California separada en la actualidad de la nacion y aunque desearìa miuistrarle algunas sumas en calidad de auxilio no puede verificarlo por la penuría conocida del Erario público y por la situacion de pobreza y atrazo en que se hallan las miciones que bajo su amparo ecsisten en el territorio de la Republica y a las que debe atender preferentemente. | Sir: An answer to the note which your
illustrious highness addressed this office on the 26th of last July,
relative to whether the missions of the bishop of Monterey might be
assisted with the properties which the founders of the Pious Fund of
the Californias left, as is asserted, for the conversion of infidels
of that county, has been delayed because it was necessary to collect
information and examine old documents that would throw needed light
for the just and proper decision of the matter. The subject has now been examined, and as it shows that the large donations which composed that fund had not for an exclusive object the aiding of the missions of California, but also for the conversion of infidels in North America at discretion (there being in any case in those missions a lack of the persons indicated in the foundation), and (for the aid of the missions) to which the government of the republic has succeeded through the right which is its due in such properties. His Excellency the President can not grant to the church of Upper Calif ornia, which is now separated from the nation, a right to the properties above mentioned. And although it might wish to donate some moneys in the way of assistance, it can not do so on account of the well-known penury of the public treasury and on account of the state of poverty and backwardness in which the missions under its protection in the territory of the republic are found, and those missions that it ought preeminently to aid. |
Tengo el honor de decirlo asi á S. S. I. en debida contestacion á su nota relativa y de protestarle las distinguidas consideraciones de mi apprecio. | In having the honor to state the foregoing to your illustrious highness, in due reply to your note, I beg to assure you of my distinguished regard. |
Dios y Libertad. | God and Liberty. |
México, Setiembre 29 de 1852. Aguirre. |
Mexico, Sept. 29, 1852. Aguirre. |
I. S. D. Fr. José Sada Alemani, Obispo de Monterey en la Alta California. |
Your illustrious highness José Sada
Alemani, Bishop of Monterey in Upper California. |
Before the arbitral court under the Hague Convention on the case of The United States of America, on behalf of the R. C. Church of Upper California, against the Republic of Mexico.
For identification:
John T.
Exhibit No. 2 to the deposition of John T. Doyle.
Jos. T.
O’Keefe, Notary
- English translation added for the convenience of the court.↩