Mr. Bryan to Mr. Hay.

No. 439.]

Sir: Referring to my No. 438, I have the honor to send herewith inclosed a copy of a letter just received from Mr. Jorge Vereker, the American consular agent at Rio Grande do Sul, in which he reports that the State authorities have ordered that proceedings against the firm of Thomsen & Co. be for the present suspended.

I have, etc.,

Charles Page Bryan.

Mr. Vereker to Mr. Bryan.

Sir: Confirming my respects of the 26th instant, I beg to acknowledge the receipt of your telegram of same day:

“Request authorities await my written answer;”

and of the 28th:

“Pedi intercessão presidente Estado assumpto Thomsen.”

I have spoken on the subject to Mr. Hon. Marques Vaz de Carvalho, clerk of the state revenue board of this town and acting as especial attorney for the treasury department of this State, here, who has informed me that on the 28th instant he received instructions, by telegram from Porto Alegre, to suspend for the present the proceedings against the firm of Thomsen & Co. in relation to the inheritance tax due by the heirs of the Barao de Thomsen.

Very respectfully, yours,

Jorge Vereker.