Mr. Clayton to Mr.
Legation of the United States,
Mexico, September 1,
No. 96.]
Sir: Referring to your No. 57 of July 17th
ultimo, I have the honor to inclose herewith copy of my note bringing to
the attention of the Mexican Government the claim of the Roman Catholic
Church of California growing out of the so-called;’ Pious fund of the
Californias,” and requesting that I may be informed of the purposes of
the Mexican Government in relation to this claim.
I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant,
Mr. Clayton to
Mr. Mariscal.
Legation of the United States,
Mexico, September 1, 1897.
Mr. Minister: I am instructed by my
Government to bring to the attention of your excellency the claim of
the Roman Catholic Church of California against the Mexican
Government growing out of the so-called “Pious fund of the
Of the history of this claim you are doubtless well informed. I need
only refer to the findings of the American and Mexican Joint
Commission under the convention of July 4, 1868, which established
the following propositions:
- 1.
- That the Roman Catholic Church of Upper California is a
corporation of citizens of the United States.
- 2.
- The obligation of the Mexican Government to pay to the
bishops of California and their successors the interest on
the proceeds of the property belonging to the fund, same
being held in trust by the Mexican treasury for the purpose
of carrying out the wishes of the founders of the
- 3.
- That the claimants are the direct successors of the
bishops of California, and should, therefore, receive a fair
share of the interest upon the proceeds of the fund.
- 4.
- That the archbishop and bishops of that church are the
proper parties to demand and receive it.
- 5.
- That the case is one in which all inhabitants of the State
of California, and even the whole population of the United
States, are interested, and is, therefore, a proper one for
the diplomatic intervention of the United States
These propositions being, as it were, “res adjudicata,” and the
Mexican Government having paid no interest upon the fund since the
payments made under the award of the joint commission, I
respectfully call your excellency’s attention to that fact, and
request that I may be informed of the purposes of the Mexican
Government in relation to this claim.
I have the honor to renew to your excellency the assurances of my
high consideration.