Mr. Foster to Mr. Ryan.

No. 820.]

Sir: Referring to instructions No. 563 of August 3, 1891, and 684 of February 19, 1892, I have to state that in a letter of the 11th ultimo the Messrs. Pillsbury, Blanding, and Hayne, of 324 Pine street, San Francisco, Cal., call attention to the claim of the Roman Catholic archbishop of California against Mexico, which formed the subject of those instructions. In view of the long period which has elapsed since the date of your No. 737 (August 17, 1891), informing the Department that you had addressed a note to the foreign office on the subject, I have no doubt the Mexican Government will recognize the propriety of presently apprising you of its conclusions in the matter, should you now make a further representation, as you are hereby requested to do in such terms as appear to you pertinent under the circumstances.

I am, etc.,

John W. Foster.