Mr. Bailey to Mr.
Legation of the United States,
Guatemala, July 30,
No. 646.]
Sir: In compliance with Department’s
instruction No. 373, of the 3d instant, respecting the adjustment of the
foreign debt of Guatemala, I have the honor to transmit herewith
inclosed copy of the correspondence between this legation and the
Guatemalan Government relative to the matter, as follows: Copy of my
note to the minister of foreign affairs; reply thereto by the
subsecretary of foreign affairs and translation of same; supplementary
reply by the minister of foreign affairs and translation of same.
I have, etc.,
[Inclosure 1.]
Mr. Bailey to
Guatemalan minister of foreign
Legation of the United States,
Guatemala, June 6, 1902.
Sir: I have the honor to inform your
excellency that I have received a note from the Department of State
at Washington, instructing me to advise the Government of your
exellency that, while the Government of the United States is
indisposed to join in any collective act with foreign powers which
might have the aspect of coercive pressure upon the Government of
Guatemala respecting the payment of its foreign debt, it would
reserve for its citizens equal benefits with those which might be
obtained for creditors of any other nationality in the adjustment of
said debt.
I embrace the opportunity to renew, etc.,
Señor Mendez to
Mr. Bailey.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
Guatemala, June 12,
Honorable Sir: I have the honor to
acknowledge the receipt of your esteemed favor of the 6th instant,
in which you inform me that you have been instructed by the
Government of the United States to notify this Government that it
refuses to unite with the other powers, collectively, against the
Republic of Guatemala in the execution of acts having a semblance of
coercion for the payment of its foreign debt.
I thank you for having imparted to me the views and intentions of the
distinguished Government which you so worthily represent, and am
pleased to reassure you of my highest respect, etc.
Joaquin Mendez, Subsecretary.
Mr. Barrios to
Mr. Bailey.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
Guatemala, July 24,
Honorable Sir: Referring to the esteemed
note of your excellency addressed to this office on the 6th ultimo,
and adding to the reply to said note sent to your legation on the
12th ultimo, I now have the honor to manifest to your excellency
[Page 582]
the Government of
Guatemala willingly assents to the reservation which the Government
of the United States makes of its right to claim for American
creditors benefits equal to those that may be acquired by the
citizens of other countries in the adjustment of the foreign debt of
the Republic of Guatemala, the Government which I represent being in
duty bound to accept such reservation in recognition of the friendly
attitude which the United States has always assumed toward
With assurances, etc.