Mr. Bailey to Mr. Hay.

No. 645.]

Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith inclosed, for the information of the Department, extract and translation of same which appeared in the Diario de Centro America, an official organ of this Government, on the 22d instant, giving a list of individual foreign claims that have recently been paid.

Very reliable information discloses the fact that collective coercive pressure was resorted to by the respective diplomatic representatives here of England, France, Germany, and Belgium in order to bring about the payment of said claims. It appears that they as a body notified this Government that if arrangements were not made to satisfy their respective creditors on a specific date a man-of-war would take possession of each of the principal ports of the Republic of Guatemala.

Although I had previously advised this Government of the attitude of the United States Government in the matter, as instructed in Department’s No. 365 of April 10 last, no arrangement has yet been made to meet the just demands of American creditors. I recently, however, responded to a call from the minister of foreign affairs for a private conference, at which to expressed a very high appreciation for the friendly attitude of the Government of the United States respecting the adjustment of the Guatemalan foreign debt, and said that it is not the intention of this Government to discriminate between foreign creditors and especially against those of a friendly nation that had always demonstrated a spirit of leniency in the matter, and that the Government of Guatemala would try and satisfy the American creditors at an early date.

I have, etc.,

James G. Bailey,
Chargé d’Affairs ad interim.
[Page 580]

List of the individual foreign claims that have been paid through their diplomatic representatives, and the amount of each draft given by the Government of Guatemala in payment of said claims, in the order indicated below.

the minister of france, his excellency pourtales gorgier.

Francs. Pesos of Guatemala.
Mr. Bodin 1,447.38
Mr. Briault 250,000.00
Pector & Doucout 77,429.00
Mr. Gueroult 38,296.35 7,245.64
Mr. Chaluleu
Mr. Costallat 26,238.60
Mr. Frary 3,560.00
Mr. Leroy 6,462.66
Mr. Lire 507.75
Mr. Loudy 863.00
Mr. Menard 16,673.80
Société Cont. de Prod. Chin 9,947.60
Total 425,047.35 18,733.38

the minister of germany, his excellency dr. a. von voigts rhetz.

Francs. Marks. Pesos of Guatemala.
L. Eyssen & Co 90,207.07 56,872.18 87,916.90

the chargé d’affaires of england, hon. ralph paget.

Francs. Pesos of Guatemala.
Dr. J. H. Arton 2,000.00
Miller & Co 30,000.00
W. C. Lambert 20,000.00
Do 5,136.48
Do 179.63
V. C. Lambert (Labbé) 2,622.50
Maduro & Ahrens 121.28
Sr. Cipriani 121.28
Chalmers Guthrie & Co 90,117.48
Rabone Brothers 6,840.36
Total 840.36 150,599.87

the charge d’affaires of belgium, hon. jose wolters.

Francs. Pesos of Guatemala.
Sr. Amerlink 1,500.00 1,200.00
Sr. Courteoux 1,150.00
Julio Vasaux 36,217.31
Leopold Vaszux (public, employee) 1,390.00
Sr. Siegne 1,308.92
Sr. Daras 6,036.21
Total 1,500.00 47,302.44