Mr. Hay to Mr. Hunter.
Washington, April 10, 1902.
Sir: I inclose herewith for your information a copy of a promemoriaa left at the Department by the German ambassador on the 3d instant, stating that the council of foreign bondholders in London which is seeking to make a new arrangement with the Government of Guatemala respecting the foreign debt of that country has suggested that the proposed arrangement ought to be acknowledged by the most interested powers—Germany, the United States, and England—in order to induce the Government of Guatemala to adhere to the new arrangement, and asking whether the Government of the United States would be inclined to join in a proceeding of the above-mentioned kind should it be adopted by the German and English Governments.
I also inclose a copy of the Department’s memoranduma in reply, dated the 5th instant, stating that while the Government of the United States is indisposed to join in any collective act which might have the aspect of coercive pressure upon Guatemala, this Government would reserve for its citizens equal benefits with those which might be obtained for creditors of any other nationality in the adjustment of the Guatemalan foreign debt, and that you would be instructed to advise the Guatemalan Government of this attitude on the part of the United States.
You will advise the Government of Guatemala of the attitude of this Government in the matter.
I am, etc.,